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My Recommendation

Sergio Alvarado of Impacto Latino and Project Nomad-Pachuca, Mexico


Project Nomad has helped us accomplish our goal to plant churches in Pachuca. Media has been one of our most valuable tools in reaching out to people to begin relationships. Now as our family relocates, I look forward to helping with Nomad training in the city of Queretaro.  READ MORE

Above It All

Isaac Masiga, Regional Director of GNPI-Nairobi, Kenya


Our team has produced a new music video with Rigga. He is a Christian rapper, singer, songwriter, and recording artist from Nairobi, Kenya.


God over everything,
My God is the God over everything…


“The 3D Gospel”

Mike Schrage


I highly recommend The 3D Gospel by Jason Georges. It features the three key mindsets of guilt, shame, and fear that tend to drive the thinking of global cultures. Georges reminds us the Gospel is 3D as well; it addresses the needs of each culture. Consider the guilt-innocence worldview (mostly Western; individualistic societies)…


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