Serving the people of Poland since 1954
Polish Christian Ministries
November 2016

11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-13
             In Training
Adam Dulinski, the newest ELI intern and church planter in Warsaw, will be in the States until November 12. 
He is being equipped in church planting and is seeking to raise additional support as he prepares to lead a church-planting initiative in one of the districts of Warsaw. Please be in prayer for Adam as he devotes himself to God’s kingdom work.
Oksana Bilous is in the States until November 15. She is building new relationships and hoping to raise additional support so she can continue the ministry God has called her to in Ostroda, Poland. Please join us in praying for Oksana. She will be traveling with David and Sandy until she returns to Poland. (See her schedule below.) Here she is sharing about her ministry in Poland with a group of young people at the Brighton Christian Church in Brighton, MI. 

Every report of baptisms is a reason to rejoice. We thank God for the recent and upcoming baptisms in Gdynia. All glory to the One who makes all things new!

Faithful Partners
The Lighthouse Christian Church in Oceanside, CA, has been a faithful “Living Link” partner with two churches in Poland: one in Sosnowiec and the other in Siedlce. We thank God for each of PCM’s supporting churches that make the work in Poland possible. 
Donate While You Shop
With the holidays approaching, please keep in mind that Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchase prices toward 
 the organization of your choice. Please go to select Polish Christian Ministries as your charitable organization. Thanks, Amazon!
Be Devoted to Prayer 
Please continue to pray for Bronek Hury (Slowo i Zycie editor) as he recovers from heart surgery. His condition is improving but prayer is still appreciated. Daniel Masarczyk (pastor in Sosnowiec) needs prayer to reduce his blood pressure. Please pray for wisdom and strength for Daniel as he oversees a new building project and cares for the needs of a growing congregation. Please pray for Marek Charis and the Hosanna Church in Lublin as they search for a new place to hold weekly gatherings. Pray for the churches in Koszalin and Lodz as they face challenges in their leadership. 

                      Poland Bound 2017
Dates                            Focus                              Destination                         
1/3-26              Teaching English                       Sandomierz      
5/31-6/11        Leadership development          NW Poland              
6/9-22              Holocaust survivors                  Ostroda           
6/21-7/2          Ukrainian children camp          Ostroda 
6/30-7/9          Church planting initiative        Warsaw                 
6/30-7/10        English classes/outreach         Ciechanow
7/7-16              Building construction               Biala Podlaska
                          Finish youth center                  Bielsk Podlaski
                          Building construction               Sosnowiec
7/19-8/1          IsraCamp                                  Ostroda     
9/29-10/7        Building renovation                  Olszytn 
See PCM’s website for details in the “Minister With Us” section. 
PCM’s short-term trip manual is available upon request.

Praising God for…
…Maja Kosewska, born October 31, 2016. Congratulations, Adam and Basia! (Adam Kosewski is the director of the CSM worship school.)
…the acceptance of the blueprints for the new worship center submitted by the Sosnowiec church to the local city council
…the recent baptisms in Gdynia
Praying for
…Phase I of the building in Biala Podlaska to be finished before winter.
…the renovation at Bielsk Podlaski to be finished soon to allow the new youth minister to live there.
…the church roof replacement in Olsztyn – $5,000 still needed.


PCM Travel in US:
November 6: New Found Church of Christ, Glen Allen, VA
November 6: Gethsemane Church of Christ, Mechanicsville, VA
November 7: West Waynesboro Church of Christ, Waynesboro, VA
November 11-13: Eastern Christian Convention, Hershey, PA

November 13: Assumption Christian Church, Assumption, IL
November 16: Tates Creek Christian Church, Lexington, KY, who is hosting our fall “PCM Dinner & Update” beginning at 6:30 p.m. RSVP to David or Sandy Hatfield by November 9th if you can join us. 
November 17: PCM Board of Directors meeting in Lexington, KY
November 17-20: International Conference on Missions, Lexington, KY. Hope to see you at ICOM!

Eastern Christian Conference    David & Sandy Hatfield, Frank & Lois Harris will be Hershey, PA                                at the ECC. Come visit us!

November 11-13, 2016

PCM FALL Board of Directors meeting is on November 16-17, 2016, at Tate’s Creek Christian Church, Lexington, KY. Those interested in a PCM Update are invited to attend a dinneron Wednesday, November 16th, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Tate’s Creek.
RSVP by November 10th to PCM’s home office. 
David & Sandy Hatfield, Maui & Ewa Dwulat and other PCM directors will be at ICOM. Come visit us at Booths 1412, 1414, and 1416.
All donations to Polish Christian Ministries should be sent to our new address:

1212 Schucks Rd., Bel Air, MD 21015

Donations may also be made via our website: www.pcmusa.orgClick on: Ways to Give.

Shop Amazon AND support PCM, too!
PCM Office: 410-688-3294
Dave Hatfield: 810-923-0226
New email address for Dave is:

Polish Christian Ministries | 410.688.3294 | |