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Facing the Dangers of Pornography

Protus Sibukule of Project Nomad-Eldoret, Kenya


It was a blessing to travel to Nairobi during the summer for the Project Nomad regional training. We are excited to produce more videos for the people of the Pokot tribe in their own language, so biblical teaching is easier for them to understand. The videos we’ve produced for this people group are not only watched, but the Lord uses the videos to inspire change in the hearts of those who watch them.


A Wonderful Partnership

Mike Schrage


I met Dr. Micheal Curtice recently when I was speaking at Central Christian College of the Bible (CCCB) in Moberly, Missouri. There I learned that Dr. Curtice has been to Chennai, India, at least ten times! It was surprising to discover that our GNPI Nomad team leader, Timothy Jai Kumar, was a student of Dr. Curtice…



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