NEW RECRUITS who attended Launch in Indianapolis recently are, from left, Cody Rasco, Marlene and Zach Williams, Brooks and Jordan Gignilliat, and Courtney Pierce.

Ready, set, go!

Six new recruits spent three days at the CMF home office in Indianapolis in mid-September to begin their preparations for cross-cultural service abroad.

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CMF serves Brazil

Programs for kids and teens are working!

Brazil has been in the headlines this summer for the Olympics hosted by Rio de Janeiro, and also for the country’s political problems, but CMF’s long-time ministry there is generating headlines of its own for its growing ministries with poor children and families.

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Loans for pastors

Program helps pastors build small businesses

It’s not easy to feed your family on the salary of an Ethiopian pastor, but the “Evangelist Empowerment Program” run by the CMF Church Catalyst team is smoothing the way for four pastors in the Nekempte area with microbusiness loans, reports CMF team members Travis and Emily Weeks.

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