Here is the latest that we have learned from our team members in Haiti. We lost 5 churches and 5 houses in Bonne Fin, Les Cayes, Jeremie, Aquin, and Pignon Haiti. The area in Pignon wasn’t directly hit by the hurricane, but the winds and the rain destroyed a house there. We also had started a new structure at the Jesus Loves Me Home, but from the winds and the rain (mostly the wind) we are going to have to start over.

The worst of everything is that we lost 9 church members from Hurricane Matthew. We asked that you please be in prayer for the families of these members. Also continue to pray for all the people in Haiti, a lot of the water was contaminated and so people are very afraid of cholera breaking out.

For us this is so overwhelming. At this moment we are trying to raise $83,000 to help with rebuilding what was lost in Haiti. If you want to know the individual costs for projects, please contact us. If you feel led to help, you can go to our website at and click on the donate button or you can send a check to:
White Fields
PO Box 1089
Joplin, MO 84802-1089


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