Our Journey in the Summer

Our Journey in the Summer

Sam, Brittany, Amelia (2 years old), and Savannah (3 months old).

It is not fun to be in Pakistan, during the summer.  This summer was extremely hot.  Now, we are in the month of October, which is supposed to be cooler, but the temperature is still between 90-100.  It rose to over 100 degrees, each day, for quite a while. The humidity is high, here.  Some days felt very challenging, when it came to productivity.  When there was no A/C, we would spend half of the day, just enduring the heat and the intense sweat, and lack of electricity.  The electric bills were very high, every time we used A/C.  We have endured a very difficult summer, and have been able to get several projects going, by the grace of God.  Your prayers have also helped us get through this last summer.

It was Pretty Bad . . . Really

We go through approximately six power outages, every day.  On top of that, we also went through a huge water problem, where the colony’s water supply filtering machine broke, and so all of the water that came out of the faucets became dirty.  We had to import water, from the shops, for laundry, cooking, and all of that.  That lasted for around 3 months.

These last several months were very hard on Brittany, especially, as she went through a pregnancy and birth, through a congested living environment and bearing all of the heat.  And still, she was managing to learn Urdu, while managing a two-year old.

Our Living Situation

These last several months have been quite difficult, when it comes to our living situation.  Right now, we are in a joint-family compound.  We tried to move in a Rental House, for our sanity, but we found out that the Rent prices were very high, here (at least $500-$1,000/month, excluding bills).  Therefore, we decided to stay in the joint-family house, so we could save some money for our own place.  Living in a joint-family house means sharing a 2-Story house with 25 other people.  For Brittany, being an American, it was extremely hard to live with a big family, having a lack of space and privacy.  However, the family’s kindness and love helped us to overcome those hurdles. 

In the midst of these challenges, we have learned how to live in a small community where everyone is interdependent.  Everybody is always ready to help each other, which is a great relief, when you have little ones.  They don’t mind to help babysit, when you want to relax or want to go on a date.

New Baptism: October 2nd, 2016!

Praise the Lord, for this new baptism!  This man was from an area, where we may have a lead for a Third Church.

Suicide Bombing News

Christians are Still Under Attack:
On September 2nd, 2016, an incident occurred in a northern area of Pakistan.  Four suicide attackers, specifically, tried to storm a Christian neighborhood, but did not succeed.  The attackers were killed by the Security Forces. 

Bear in mind, a few other incidents, like this, have happened, before, in which many Christian casualties happened.  The most prominent incidents were a Church Bombing, in Peshawar (Sept. 22, 2013), and another Suicide bomb, in a public park, on Easter, 2016, where many Christians were.

School Situation

Our School is up and running, at the start of a new School year. We are in the same old building, because the Landlord gave us an extension. However, it is not the best place for our school, and we really need to move our school into a new rental building. So we are still working on that project. We are needing funds up to $1,200 a month to be able to run that school in the new rental building.

Your Support Has Saved a Man’s Life!

As a result of your love and continuous support . . . We were able to help a man, who had a hard time in recovery, from his sickness, because of the severe, hot weather.  The Doctor told him to stay in a cool place.  When Sam asked him, while he was in his sick bed, how he could help him, except prayer, he said “Air Conditioning.”  After prayer and thoughtful consideration, we decided to help him, because he is the main person in his family, since his father’s death.  Now, he is recovering, very fast.  Praise God!

Child Kidnapping News

Recently, there was some scary news roaming around, among the people and on the media. The TV reported news that around 600 children had been kidnapped, in the area of Punjab. As a parent with young children, that can really make you feel very scared, frightened, and nervous. However, more news came out, after that and said that some of those stories were fake. Some kids had just ran away from home, because their parents were forcing them to do child labor work, and the kids didn’t want to do it. (Most of these came from poor, uneducated families). Most kidnapping cases have been noticed in the poor areas.  In all of these frightening situations, people need encouragement and support, from Christian people, who can help them to focus on God, since Satan is using the spirit of fear to make people confused and depressed.  However, being Christian, Jesus has not given us the spirit of timidity, but of power and love (2 Tim. 1:7).  Therefore, we are trying our best to help them to overcome the spirit of fear.

Sewing Center Update

Some of the women who have graduated from our Sewing Center Course have now started their own businesses!  Praise the Lord!

Currently, though, we are on a shortage of sewing machines, as half of them are broken, not because they were idle, but because they were being used.  Please pray for this need.  It would cost, overall $200, to fix all of those sewing machines.

Ladies Bible Study

Every week, Brittany leads a Ladies Bible Study.  There are some women that are thinking about getting baptized. You can pray for these women, so that they can come to Christ. You can pray for Margaret, Shakila, Maria, Seffra, Emily and Steffy.

Muslim Interactions

Sam has been meeting with with two of his close Muslim friends, who used to be very active in Islam.  After meeting and talking with them, several times, they got to a point where they think Islam is not a logical religion.  They also believe that all religions are pretty much the same and promote hatred and discrimination.  When Sam asked them, “Did you study other religions, like Islam, devotedly?”, they said “No.”  Sam said, “Then, how can you pass that statement that all religions promote hatred, prejudice, and discrimination?”  They did not have an answer.  They also told Sam that they do not believe in God, anymore, on the basis of preceding self-conclusions.  Sam is trying to convince them that Christianity is not one of the other religions, and that it’s not about “doing,” but that it’s “done.”  The God of the Bible is not like the other God.  He is the Creator, Sustainer, the All-Powerful, All-Knowing and Holy God.  There is none like Him. Please pray for Sam’s friends, so that God will open their hearts to accept the truth.

Also, we have had interactions with a Muslim Doctor.  He is a very nice, friendly, tolerant, and an open-minded person, especially with Christians.  He travels frequently to the U.S, and all over the world, and is very complimentary to Christianity.  He has a Clinic set up, here, in Pakistan, because he has a heart for helping people, and is not worried, necessarily about money.  Sam and Brittany have had wonderful interactions with him, and we hope that he can come to Christ.  You can pray for him, as well.   

Major and Desperate Need: Bible College Project

Regarding our Bible College Project, we are still raising funds for our future Bible College and permanent School Building (all to be in one building). The total amount needed to be raised (for land, construction and everything) is $600,000, as we have mentioned in the past newsletters. So far, we have raised $75,000 for that. Once we reach this goal, then we don’t need to rent a building, anymore.

Urdu Language Learning

How is the Urdu language learning going for Brittany, and their 2-year-old daughter, Amelia?  Brittany is making great progress, but according to Brittany, Amelia is learning to speak Urdu faster than her! 🙂 

Below is a picture of Brittany’s Urdu Writing.

An Announcement!

We have been invited to the Wi-Ne-Ma Conference Week of Missions, in the U.S. for next July, 2017. Sam has been asked to be one of the main speakers, there. It will be July 30 – August 5, 2017. Wi-Ne-Ma is a Christian Retreat Place Center, in Cloverdale, Oregon, on the Coast. We look forward to coming there. For more information, you can go to www.winema.org.

Prayer Requests

  • House Transition: We are currently busy, trying to move in our own house.  We currently don’t live in our own house, and had to consider our budget, before making this move.  Please pray for us as we work through this progress and transition, and as we try to finance everything, moving into this house.

  • The School Urgent Need and Situation.  As you may have read in this Newsletter, our School is needing to move into a new building, for rent, until we have our Bible College project completed (when we will own our own land and building).  We found a building to rent, but it is going to be way more expensive than the previous rent.  Please pray about this urgent need.

  • We may have a lead for two more Churches.  Please pray for these possibilities.

  • We need to fix half of our sewing machines, for our Sewing Center, as they are broken.

  • Pray for these people to come to Christ: Margaret, Shakila, Maria, Seffra, Emily, Steffy, Javed, Nabeel, and our Muslim friends.


NHCMP is extremely grateful for you, your love, support and prayers.  Your financial support is also making a huge difference.  The people of Pakistan would like to send a huge thank you to all of you.


How to Donate to NHCMP:

Donating Online:
Before clicking the link, down below, please read this:
On the webpage, change the upper drop-down box to “Missions Fund,” and in the Special Instructions Box, write “To Sam Gill, 

Here is the link for Online Donations: https://secure-q.net/donations/EagleCCI/1085


Donating through the Mail

Please make your Check out to: Eagle Christian Church

Memo: Sam Gill – Pakistan Mission

Where to send:
Eagle Christian Church
100 Short Ln.
Eagle, Idaho 83616

Donations are Tax-Deductible