NMSI Weekly Blog: Transformed Lives



From Fear to Everlasting Hope!

Posted: 03 Oct 2016 05:00 PM PDT


No one ever wants their child to be sick and in the hospital. Yet, God can use the hardest of times to shine His light most clearly. Read how a life was forever transformed in Thailand through a hospital visit of young Rosibeth, daughter of Yoha and Amanda.


“The bad news is that Rosibeth is in the hospital and on the nebulizer…again. Poor little thing keeps getting these lung infections. The good news is that while she was there, Yoha was able to share Christ with the people in the next bed!

The young mom next to us is from Doi Pilou, where we have our church. Her grandmother died a month ago and her mother said, “I’ve been having dreams that you are to go and join your grandmother.” Sound familiar? We’ve heard stories like this before, dreams that strike fear of death in the lives of the superstitious in Thailand – spiritual warfare at play.


The young mother was quite frightened, as she has a family to take care of, including her baby who was on the nebulizer next to our Rosibeth. So Yoha shared with her that if she put her faith in Jesus, she would no longer have to be afraid. This young mom put her faith in Christ right then and there! And since this family is from Doi Pilou, we will be able to follow up with them and get them plugged into our church. Praise God for His awesome power and divine appointments!”


Contributed by Wongnirattisai