Much done for the Kingdom







Back on August 30th we asked you to pray for several points during our Mercy Mission. Here is what you prayed for and how God answered those prayers.


1) You prayed for the safety, protection, wisdom, health and open hearts while Tom & Sandie worked with the native team. 


Praise God – All of us have been safe and healthy. He has given wisdom and open hearts. Continue to pray for our safety as we return. 


2 )You prayed for strength and encouragement of the Disciples as we assessed the needs and progress in each region. 
The Lord blessed our time and gave us insight to see spiritual and physical needs. We were able to teach specific topics that will assist in church growth. The way that Jesus wants the church to operate was strengthened.

We provided encouragement and refreshment to Peter in a time of war. He had been through a lot.
Praise God for his mighty protection, both physically and mentally! 
Praise God for the encouragement given by other brothers and sisters in E and N Africa.
Praise God for the teachings and open hearts to receive the Word. 
Pray for the David, James and Fred who are now sharing these teachings to others. Pray that the have a spirit of love and truth with boldness. 
Pray for the ones that hear so that they will receive the teachings in God’s word. May they make changes in their lives to strengthen the church. 

3)You prayed for Christ,Jesus to be shared with the community.
The Lord put in our path a fellow disciple, Christopher, who wants to work with us. He sees that there is a better way to reach his people. Pray that God will continue to guide our relationship with Christopher.

Once again, God opened the door to deepen our relationship with a man we have shared Christ love to over the past three years. He was more open then ever, but still needs to give his life to Christ. He is trying to do it on his own. Pray the he will give his life to Christ . 


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