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The Path of Moses (Part One)

Mark Allen, Project Nomad Coordinator
The title of this story sounds like a sermon title or the latest faith-based blockbuster, doesn’t it? After conducting Project Nomad training in Tamale, Ghana, I learned the amazing story of one of the attendees that sounded like it could have come from a Hollywood movie…  READ MORE

Opening Doors for the Gospel


Tynan and Lydia Barnes explain how their new Solar Kit is helping their ministry in the villages of west central Mexico. The Solar Kit has allowed them to go into villages where they were not welcomed before.


Harnessing Tools of 


Mike Schrage


During our 40th anniversary year, we’ve been sharing some favorite photos and video clips from our archives. On this video our founder Ziden Nutt recalls how GNPI recognized and applied various techniques that not only attracted attention…  READ MORE

Did you have an income windfall this year?
Contact us to learn how a donor advised fund might save you thousands in taxes.  (Learn More)

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