Lifeline Christian Mission
Behind the curtain
Why do you push for more?  Why the urgency?
It’s because you saw that small child on a mission trip…in a picture…in a story.  The barefoot child who peeked at you around the curtain.  You caught a glimpse into a life that you cannot fathom, yet that simple glimpse has pierced your heart.
Just like you, our drive, our passion at Lifeline comes from knowing that there is another child who needs wrapped in Jesus’ love.
This year has had many ministry highlights, yet we (the Lifeline staff) wonder: have we done enough?  Are we content?  Yet, what about that other child?  How can we expand Lifeline’s capacity so that the next child, and the one following, can know and experience the saving grace of Jesus Christ?
So we delved in headfirst.  Read more

ministry highlights
the finishing touches
Our renovated church building has passed inspection! The finishing touches are being put on the church for the relaunch of LIFEhouse Christian Church, as they serve the Navajo and Winslow communities.
Through a pilot program, some of our students are using tablets to access e-books in Creole and French. Our teachers are feeling empowered by this endeavor, and by the looks on the students’ faces, they are as well!

Please pray for Jordan, who is a sweet boy with a smile that will melt your heart. He attends our Gonzales school, along with his mother, who is his caregiver. Jordan has a severe form of autism and has recently developed extreme negative episodes. The family is seeking answers. (picture: Darwyn, School Director, with Jordan and his mom)
kids in Liberia
Earlier this year, Rolling Plains Church (Ohio) packed meals for their missionary in Liberia.  The meals were delivered and their missionary shared, “We are really enjoying the food … it helps us get healthy.”  

You can also package meals for your missionary; learn more.

United States
Our volunteers are awesome!  Maggie, a volunteer in our child sponsorship ministry, has truly gone the extra mile.  Because of her dedication to the children and the ministry, our Honduran sponsors were able to receive their child’s new measurements.  Thank you!
Stay connected with more ministry highlights: like us on Facebook

you've been a blessing
You’ve been an amazing blessing!  We shared a pressing need and hundreds of you came together and over $96,000 was donated!  What do your donations mean?  
survey follow-up
Earlier this year, we approached you: would you complete our comprehensive survey?  We needed to get a pulse of our donors, volunteers, and churches: what ministries are you most connected with, what weaknesses are we blind to, where can we improve, how we can serve you better?

What did we learn?  Read more

prayer requests & praises
Thank you for persistently praying for the children, families, and ministries connected with Lifeline across the globe.  We are blessed to be on our knees beside you!  Pray with us

Click “Update Profile” below to receive Lifeline’s prayer requests in your inbox each week.
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Lifeline Christian Mission, 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 104, Westerville, OH 43081