San Raymundo, Guatemala
September 22nd, 2016


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Greg & Kelly Mellinger are a part of the Morning Glory Story.  Greg helps with the website and data management.  Kelly is the Sponsorship Coordinator in the US.  Today, we want to share two different perspectives on one very poignant moment that Greg and Kelly had at Morning Glory.
From Greg & Kelly:
     My husband and I were introduced to Morning Glory through a Mission Trip with Casa Por Cristos back in 2012. We had the opportunity to see the Morning Glory Band perform on the Morning Glory Campus and immediately fell in love with the ministry and became child sponsors. We had been sending our monthly financial support and writing to our sponsor children and receiving their return letters, but we had a deeper desire to have a more personal relationship with them.
     In January of this year we had the blessing of traveling to Guatemala and visiting Morning Glory and meeting our sponsor children. The trip was amazing and we loved meeting the children and staff at Morning Glory. When we left Morning Glory we were already looking forward to and planning our next visit. God did amazing things and opened the door for us to return with a small team in August 2016. The staff at Morning Glory were so welcoming to our team and we were again blessed with the opportunity to revisit our sponsor children. It was so awesome to start walking down to the gym area and have two of our sponsor children come running over to us and actually recognize us from our previous visit. The blessings were just beginning!
     We had asked if Lori could share her Morning Glory story with our team on Wednesday evening which we were all very excited about. We just mentioned to Rob that it would be so amazing if Sharon (our sponsored teenager) would be able to join us for dinner as our team listened to Lori’s testimony. Rob worked out all the details and that evening Sharon was able to spend one-on-one time with us and our team. As we arrived at the MG Mission House that evening with great anticipation, not knowing what God had planned, but at the same time knowing that He was meeting the desires of our hearts, an opportunity to build a deeper personal relationship with Sharon. A relationship that would enable us to better know how we can pray for her, encourage her, love her, and support her. Our thoughts and emotions throughout the evening were overwhelming. Our desire is to be “connected” to Sharon with Christ being the center of our relationship.
      It was evident to us as we spent time with Sharon that God had brought into our lives a very special, caring, Godly young woman that desired to connect with us as much as we desired to connect with her. She further demonstrated her desire to connect by the personally hand-crafted gifts she presented to us with her beautiful brown misty eyes and hugs of compassion and love. Even more overwhelming was the invitation that Sharon’s mother extended to us to invite us into their home to share a meal with their family. For us, it provides us a great opportunity to get a glimpse of the world thru Sharon’s eyes. To think that God provided us this amazing opportunity to sponsor, meet and connect with His child, someone who we might have never known this side of heaven, is beyond words—it is life changing.
     We are very excited to see where God takes our relationship with both Sharon and her family and also with our other sponsor children. Sharon is such a sweet and respectful young lady who we are very blessed to have in our lives. Sharon has been working hard on learning English and we are in turn very determined to enhance our learning of the Spanish language, so that we can be more encouraging and supportive to Sharon and her family. Sharon has forever changed our lives.
Here is Rob’s take on the same story:

     The night had gone very smoothly.  In a lot of ways it was “business as usual.”  I thought it was especially cool that Sharon, was able to come and spend time with her sponsors, Greg & Kelly. Luckily, Sharon has a little bit of English, and Greg & Kelly were able to communicate with her on a very basic level. Knowing Sharon, I know that little bit meant a lot to her. Greg and Kelly have been very intentional about connecting with their sponsored kids when they are here. It was really cool to see Sharon sitting with them, deepening their relationship by getting better acquainted. 
    As the night was ending and everyone was beginning their goodbyes, Greg turned over to me and said he wanted to pray for Sharon and asked me to translate.  I felt the notch get turned to 11. I know sponsors regularly pray for their sponsored children. However, in the 5 years I’ve been involved in the program, I haven’t seen a sponsor pray specifically with their student in person, making sure there was a translator. I think the focused effort of the Mellingers made the difference.  As I said before, Greg & Kelly have been very intentional and taken a lot of initiative to connect with their sponsored kids.  This was, in my eyes, the culmination.
    It wasn’t about the gifts. They had done that earlier. It wasn’t about hugs and warm fuzzies. It was about seeking God in Sharon’s life.  The last thing Greg & Kelly did with Sharon this trip was the most important. I admit: I fumbled through the translation. I’m glad God understood both languages because I couldn’t help but think “This is so cool!  THIS is what we want!”  As a Sponsorship Coordinator, the epitome of the job is watching students connect with their sponsor. We have many such stories, but this one was different. Greg & Kelly built a relationship with Sharon, and then pointed to God as the origin of their love and goodwill in a very humble, but deliberate way.  I wish every sponsor had the chance to come down and share those moments in which the student knows they are loved by God and by their sponsor. Greg & Kelly were blessed to have hit the nail on the head this trip. They left an important message to Sharon.  They gave of themselves  to help this child of God understand her value to Him. Stopping to pray with Sharon and her well-being was one of the coolest moments I have had on the mission field. It was the pinnacle of all the opportunities a sponsor has to change the course of the life of a Morning Glory student. It was a very powerful and humbling experience. 
    If you want to begin to build a relationship with a student that will build them up and change their perspective, contact me to start sponsoring.  If you are a current sponsor, we invite you to come and visit or write your student and take your sponsorship to the next level.
Prayers! Pray for our maintenance man, Chano, whose mother just passed away.  Pray for Herb Pinney, our Executive Director as he undergoes health exams. Pray for Lori, Heyson, and the leadership of Morning Glory as they prepare to open Diversified School next year at Morning Glory. Continue to pray for protection for the families of Guatemala in the heavy rains.
Praises!  We thank God for the successfully completed week of Independence Day events.  We are blessed to be able to honor Him in our talents and abilities. Some of our dancers were invited to dance in the National Theater! We praise God for the structural growth that has taken place in 2016. 
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Morning Glory Christian Academy is a division of NIMA.
Copyright © 2016 New Iberian Mission Association (NIMA) / Morning Glory Christian Academy, All rights reserved.