An Inconvenient truth of Care







Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage–with great patience and careful instruction.  – 2 Timothy 4:2 
“ in season and out of season”  is translated by he Holman Bile as “ persist whether convenient or not”.  
For 6 years among conflict in South Sudan, Mercy Partners has remained persistent to show the Mercy of Jesus Christ and to preach the Gospel.  
One of our slogans “ MERCY + GOSPEL = EMPOWERED NATIVES 
We realize that without Mercy, the victory message of Jesus means little.  
Over the last 24 hours, the government of North Sudan has threatened to close its borders. This decision is fueled by contention of a disputed area know as Abyei. The photographs shown above were taken in this region while the UN marked the region as a NO GO.  
Continue to Pray for the following issues.
Pray that Border closure will not fuel increased exchange of fire. 
Pray that the corruption within the South Sudan Government be held accountable in whatever way God sees to bring an end to the continued killings. 
Pray for our operations in Gudele South Sudan during our famine intervention that is happening right now.  
Pray for all of our co laborers, for their mental stability and spiritual protection.  


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Mercy Partners, PO Box 236, Columbia North Carolina, 27925 is a 501c3 tax deductable charity.