Digging In







“Many fled, and I advised family to stay, where are you going to go?” “ It is best to stay in the home ( mud hut) for three days without food we stayed, day came, then afternoon, then night, same position Day one, Day 2, Day 3, there was no movement. drones were heard moving through the air”. “After the three days we cooked lentils and rice, enough for a couple days then went back in”, “ You know South Sudan food it is not like you open the package and wrapper, you must boil the water, cook everything proper”.
That was the account of my brother and joint heir in Christ as he explained his days as Gudele came under attack. Dirt roads soaked in blood and accounts of the dead that lay for a week reveal how hellish the conditions were and are.  Even as we mobilize, psychological trauma is apparent in everyone.  
Currently MERCY PARTNERS has arranged another phase of a feeding program since the main market had been completely bombed when opposition forces entered for food to survive on. 
Our response :   MERCY PARTNERS is digging in to assist our native partners in survival food, CHOLERA mitigation, latrine construction and psychological care. 
Pray : for continued protection of the families among our organization. We have had two church members killed. ( One executed for his ethnicity) Seven of our school children are orphans. 
Mercy Mission : This month we continue our mobilization through E and N Africa proclaiming Mercy in the name of the Prince of Peace.  Join us in prayer. 
We need to raise funds for school desks, will you help? 


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