Dear Friends,  (This got long, sorry.   Please read and pray)

Sometimes people think when others ask for prayer that they are worried.  Let me assure you, this is not the case.  
We simply know that God provides everything, and we are asking you to join with us in seeking His provision and His blessing.  We know all good gifts come from Him.
For that reason, please pray with us concerning the following:
1)  Give thanks for how God has provided since we went full-time a little over a year ago.
2)  Our support base desperately needs to expand and grow.  We are beginning to feel the pinch.  We know God called us into this, and we have both been trying to supplement our income, but even that is falling short a bit and is hindering what we can both do in our respective ministries.
3)  Tom needs to go to the Philippines in October.  As of now, we have no funds for this.    We also have a large convention where we will be exhibiting in November.  These conventions are not cheap, with travel, etc., but they are most certainly necessary.  In addition to this ICOM (International Conference on Missions), Tom was invited to ATTEND a smaller conference the weekend before at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky.  (ICOM is in Lexington)
Please pray with us concerning these.  In thanks and praise (for # 1), and with petition for the other 2.
God bless you as you seek Him,
Laura and Tom


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“In His name the nations will put their hope.” Matthew 12:21