Greetings in the precious name of JESUS,


I write this from South Dakota about a week and a half away from finishing a 60-day/9,000 mile ministry trip.  It has been a very wonderful and productive trip. Every day, whether gas station, convenience store, motel and other stops, I have had the opportunity to love on and share with people. And often we had a prayer with them as well. For those of you who do not know, my trip went from North Carolina to Mississippi then to the Grand Canyon, Los Angeles, San Diego, up the coast of California and Oregon clear to Seattle, then back to Colorado and to Sturgis SD for the big Motorcycle Rally. What an incredible journey and I praise God that I was able to do this. I also thank JESUS that we live in this free country that allows such travel and free speech as well as a huge thank you to our supporters who partner with us for such ministry. The ministry of leading bikers (or anyone else) to CHRIST mattered this trip as Dane, Stephan & other lives changed because we were there. 

We do have a special request this month concerning the trip. Our expenses were higher than expected due to the price of goods, motels, and services on the West Coast. We ask those of you that are able to send a little extra to Christian Riders Ministry this month or even take up a love offering from your church or Sunday school class. We thank you so much for helping us get this deficit cleared up as soon as possible. This can be done by mail (see the address below) or if you can use  Our email is

We have a busy schedule coming up with Bikers for Babies August 27 in Martinsville VA. Then the annual DQ & Bob Mortensen Memorial Run at Mid-Atlantic Christian University in Elizabeth City, NC September 9-11.  Then Beth will head to Florida in October for Biketoberfest and our annual board meeting. 

Thank you for your love, support & prayers. 

In GOD’S Grip 

Christian Riders Ministry 


P.O. Box 2179, Kernersville NC 27285