World Wide
Hispanic Outreach
May/July 2016
Update from the Director

We are sorry we have delayed in getting you this most recent newsletter so that you can enjoy how God is working among us. Let me share a few of the many praises from God. The church in Saltillo that I used to pastor reported to me that they just immersed 25 people in Christ. And since our last report, here at the camp we have also….(click here)

Comments on Kids

We welcome Issac & Eloisa Jaime to help specifically with the older kids that have graduated out of the child sponsorship program. We have added Jaime’s to our WWHO staff without having them in our budget due to the spiritual need that we see, we have stepped out….. (click here)

Download from the Educator

Our lives have changed since we last communicated. God has shown us His love with the birth of Ethan Eli on April 13th. There were some complications during the 30 hour delivery which resulted in a 1 week hospital stay, but God was with us through it all and both mom and baby are healthy. Being parents really changed our world….. (click here)

Doctors’ Dialogue

During May and June we had the pleasure to serve a total of 324 patients in our 3 locations. We have been getting regular government visits to see how we adapted to the new health regulations which every year is becoming much more privatized and therefore more expensive for all. Since the beginning we set one of our goals to offer….(click here)

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