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A Mid-Year Update


Executive Director Mike Schrage takes a moment to reflect on several significant events in our global ministry. He explains some of the challenges facing our staff members around the world and anticipates exciting things ahead as he outlines potential growth opportunities for GNPI teams and partnerships.  READ MORE

Building the Ministry

Nenette Pacoli, Regional Director of GNPI-Manila, Philippines
God has grown and developed this ministry, even when I was reluctant to change. My family has been a wonderful help and support to me. Each family member found ways to serve GNPI through the years. Our biggest reward comes in seeing how the media created at our office draws people closer to Christ.


Our Hour of Prayer

Mike Schrage


I wish you could have experienced our recent International Hour of Prayer. With the help of technology, we brought together our regional directors from around the globe. Technology allowed us to have 16 global locations together at

once including…



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