Junior’s Journey Continues
It hardly seems possible that six months have about passed since Junior Navarrete began his special intense mentoring segment on Negros Island.  He has worked with a very large church that has been built through intense evangelism and Bible Study outreach efforts and has learned many new “hands on skills” for his future evangelistic outreach ministry.  This program of one on one teaching and supervision if usually offered for one three months segment but they were prepared to extend it to six months so that he could learn a put in to practice what his has learned.  This resulted in the growth of a strong youth group and additional Bible Study outreach and development in many places in the ministry area.  This had him going to many homes and centers where he had groups of people from all ages assemble as contacts.  Many have become Christians and are now active in the church.
Recently he had a group of families living on a distant beach spend the morning in Bible Study.  He and the mentoring Evangelist had to travel early in the morning to get there.  After the several Bible Studies, prayer times and question sessions it was time for a late lunch before they left to return back to the church.  The people provided fresh crabs and shell fish along with squid and fish for a meal for all to partake and give thanks to God for Jesus and His love for the lost.  These people are not very wealthy and rely on the sea for their daily living.  Yet they also learned the Christian Grace of Hospitality so prevalent in the early days of Christianity in the Bible.  So often Christian hospitality is something not shared as much as it could be as a method of fellowship and growth.
Junior will return to Iloilo on September 1st and spend some time with his family and us and then go to Kalibo for a month to teach some of his mentoring lessons to the preacher and leaders in Kalibo.  He also will use the time to revive some of the prospects he has from his time living there before going to Central Philippines Bible College in Cebu where he has been for four years.  Junior then will go on to the next phase which we are all praying about and will share more in an update!   He has a great passion for the lost and has drawn closer to the Lord through this experience in Negros.  It has only been offered to very few young preachers but they will in turn share their zeal and passion for lost souls with many more in the years to come.
Please pray for Junior as he comes to Iloilo then to Kalibo and works out the Lord’s leading for the next phase of his ministry.  Thank you to those who have shared with the financial expense for Junior in Bible College and in this last segment of intense mentoring in evangelism.   It is such a blessing for all of us.
May God Bless each and every one of you as we serve Him in these challenging times!
Serving the Lord with zeal for a great Harvest of Souls,
Darryl & Carol Krause
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