The bolded text is one of my favorite quotes on prayer, followed by my brief thoughts on the subject. Enjoy! And I hope that it will be thought provoking and helpful in some way.

No one can believe how powerful prayer is and what it can effect, except those who have learned it by experience. Whenever I have prayed earnestly, I have been heard and have obtained more than I prayed for. God sometimes delays, but He always comes.
                                                                                              -Martin Luther

Do we truly believe that God hears our prayers? What’s more, do we believe in the power of prayer and bringing our requests before the Lord? How we pray and how often we pray say a lot about how we view God. I can attest to the fact that my faith is bolstered when God answers a specific request with speed and finality.

But what happens when the answer doesn’t come in a timely fashion or in the way that I personally feel like it should. What if He’s telling me to wait and be obedient? Do I still trust that he knows what’s best for me? Or do I stop praying because the answer didn’t come or that He’s taking too long for my comfort?

I have learned through experience that praying for God’s will to be done in a certain situation is so much greater and much more effective than if I were to try to control the outcome. When we faithfully persevere in prayer, the Lord not only grows our faith but also supplies us with far more than we ask of Him.

Prayer Thoughts for Today

  1. Pray and ask God to rid your heart of any misconceptions or past thoughts that hinder you from truly coming to the Lord in prayer.
  2. Praise the Lord for answering your requests in accordance with His will and not your own.

We have prayer posts on our Facebook page, KontaktmissionUSA, from our missionaries on a daily basis. These prayer requests appear in real time and are extremely relevant to our missionaries on the field. Here are a couple of examples. Facebook is a great way to get involved in KM’s prayer ministry efforts. Please be in prayer for them!

Today’s prayer request comes to us from a KM missionary working in Dourados, Brazil. “I am very thankful for a car, which I desperately needed for transporting women in the slums of Brazil at night. Please pray that I will be able to get adequate insurance for it, which is a challenge here in Brazil.”

This prayer request comes to us from a KM missionary based in Wüstenrot, Germany. “I am thankful that the LORD has given additional support for me to develop Project CallingDays Women. This project is about spending a weekend with young women to focus on their calling. We want to encourage young women to consider what God wants for their lives. During the first week of August I will be with some young women on Lake Wolfgang. Please pray God will richly bless this time. We are thankful that the GetAwayDays are fully booked for August. Please pray for open hearts among the social workers.”

Clayton J. Elliott
Pastoral Ministries and Prayer, Kontaktmission USA   (731) 217-1741

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