August 2016






Hong Kong Christian Mission

IBCC China- Wing Wong

  • Praise God for the safe trip back from Hong Kong and China! I have visited a total of six provinces and two provincial cities in China besides Hong Kong: Guangdong, Sichuan, Wuxi, Shanghai, Jiangxi, Hubei, Inner Mongolia and Beijing. We visited fifteen churches, baptized fourteen people and delivered five hundred new books. Our trip concluded with a three-day preaching seminar in Beijing.
  • Please pray for the fourteen new Christians in Hubei that they will grow in the full knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ! Pray also for me to be able to finish my writing of a workbook to help new Christians like these in China grow in Christ! I will not have time to write again until August 7 after I come back from Winema Week of Missions, where I will be one of their speakers. Please pray that I will be able to challenge the campers of all three age groups to engage in God’s mission.
  • Pray for the spiritual landscape in China as the government has been executing more regulations on churches and taking a step backward on tourism. For instance, some local authorities in Zhejiang ordered churches to replace the cross with China’s flag, the church offerings should be handed over to the authorities for a centralized budgeting and allocation, and there should be an office for government officials in the church buildings. Some of the hotels that we stayed in before in Sichuan are now only available for citizens of China. When we checked into a hotel in Inner Mongolia, besides copying our passports, they also took a picture of us. We also heard some anti-American uproars on a small scale in different parts of the country. Please pray that the Lord will extend our days to disciple the people in China and speed up the days for equipping more Chinese Christians to be strong Bible-based leaders for His Church!

  • Praise the Lord for a new church in Inner Mongolia built by the people whom we baptized eighteen years ago! Praise God that they remain in faith in all these years! A man who told me that he would never believe is now a church leader in this church and serving Christ alongside his wife and family! So, let’s not grow weary but continue to sow, for God will bring the harvest!



Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee – Manchester, NH

  • Please pray for the family of our sister Jenny Cheung who had an untimely death due to depression while she was visiting family in China. Please pray for her husband Lam Cheung, and the three children, Erica, Helen, and Alex. Also pray that God would use this incident to build up their faith.
  • Brandy’s family (his wife Kathy, and daughters Christine, Vera, and Inez) will go to visit families in both Hong Kong and China. Vera will visit Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. Pray that they will have a good and safe trip.
  • One of our sisters, Fen Bell, will move to San Diego in August. She has been a member in our church for quite a long time. Pray for comfort in the hearts of the congregation due to the loss of Jenny and the leaving of Fen.
  • Pray for our new Young Adult Bible Study Group for Chinese students. Pray for Andrew’s ministry as he builds relationships with them and as he works with their schedules to lead a Bible study group for our church. Pray that community and trust can continue building so that we will be able to minister to these students.




New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim – Lowell, MA

  • Please pray for our church to be led and strengthened by the Holy Spirit.
  • Pray for Kimchoun who is looking for a place to worship this July with her daughter.  Pray they will decide to come to our church for their growth in faith and fellowship.
  • Pray for Nong and me as we plan to travel to upstate New York visiting a family camp and meeting with many missionaries from Cambodia and Canada.
  • Pray for our outreach and for all our needs to be met as we plan to spread the Gospel within our community.
  • Please pray for healing for our friend Sandy who is planning to have surgery on her hand.  Her X-ray shows that she also has a bad disk that needs to be repaired.
  • Pray for the Cambodian people to find faith in Jesus.  Pray for our members to be strengthened in their faith and for the Lord to stir the hearts of those with whom we share the Good News. 
  • Please pray that God will continue to guide our leaders in ministry.  Praise God for giving us a team of people who have been a great help to our church!




New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon – Bedford, NH

  • Please pray for safety for our church members who are traveling abroad this summer. Please pray for Sunhee Lee who will be traveling alone for three weeks visiting family in Korea.

  • Please continue praying for the Yong Lee family to be strengthened in their faith. Pray they will be able to attend our church more regularly.

  • Please pray for our church members’ spouses who have not made a decision to follow the Lord.  Many of them do not believe and others don’t attend church.  Pray that they will become receptive to the Gospel.
  • Pray for Kei Eun Chang as he and his family serve in Korea, as he teaches at the Seoul Christian University.
  • Pray for our many students who are starting college this month and for others who will be moving after their graduation. Please pray that they will be ambassadors for Christ on the campuses.

  • Pray for our church to be challenged and encouraged by the Lord to reach the broader community. Pray for us to be led by the mission and to be actively involved in evangelism. Please pray that the Lord will bring more Korean families moving to NH.
  • Pray for our Young Adult/College age Bible Study group that they lead their lives following Jesus according to the Scriptures. Pray for Ck who will be moving to Springfield, MA for his ten-month internship. Please continue to pray for his brother CI who’s been at bootcamp these past two months training in the Army. Pray for our Young Adult ministry to be evangelistic with other students who will begin their studies this coming Fall semester.

  • Pray for our Resident Minister, Andrew Fross, and his ministry with our young people. The Youth will be collecting items for Operation Christmas Child this month. Please pray that more families will join in this season of giving for the mission.

  • Please pray for continued growth in our Compassion Ministry support. We currently have eight children sponsored and are praying for more families to join. Please pray for more supportive sponsors and givers.



Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)

Christic Marblow- Providence, RI

  • Please pray for our brother Kokeh and sister Beatrice Bestman for total healing.
  • Pray for sister Bernice and Patricia More for a better work schedule and for their family resettlement.
  • Pray for more commitment expecially for our youth.
  • Pray for the Lord’s blessings upon all our families–protection for marriages and the children.
  • Pray for effective evangelism and for us to have a significant impact for God’s glory.
  • Pray for strength and guidance as we seek to fulfill the Lord’s mission.  Pray for more committed children’s ministry volunteers.  Pray for all the ministry departments to be enouraged and remain active.




Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
