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Pressing On in Pachuca

Our Project Nomad teams are doing exciting work, and we greatly anticipate the future and what it holds for each of them. The team in Pachuca has launched a new website and Facebook page. Both sites are gaining momentum as the team members work hard to create new videos…  READ MORE

Building Bridges

Irene Nyagah of GNPI-Nairobi, Kenya
Our office is cooperating with another ministry to reach out to Muslims with the i2 Ministries project. It is a series of teachings on Christian apologetics. The series currently has 19 episodes, and we plan to make more. Joshua Lingel, the speaker, highlights key issues found in Islam.


Blessed to be a Blessing

Mike Schrage


In 2002 a scholar from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences shared with a group of Westerners the research he thought accounted for the preeminence of the Western world. After dismissing views that our success was tied to our military, politics, or economic systems…


Trying to determine who should benefit from your estate?
Contact us to learn biblical principles for estate distribution. (Learn More)

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