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Les Champs de France

The Fields of France

Not the cold shoulder…

Jul 24, 2016 09:29 am

Just a quick moment to update everyone as to our whereabouts and whatabouts…

-We’ve successfully survived our first few weeks in Descartes. We’re still getting used to the daily routine of the city as well as the daily routine of summer in the city. We’ll relearn life there was school starts in September. It’s been interesting and intriguing to see our new city so personal.

-We’ve taken some steps toward getting to know our neighbors a little better. One great moment was when I sort of left the trunk open to the car for about 6 hours. A neighbor came by and said others (the two ladies who live next door) were worried about the car. I thanked him for aiding me with my oversight to which he responded ‘In our neighborhood, we take care of one another.’ I can’t wait to be a more solid part of that. 

-We’ve had the opportunity to visit various little towns and villages that are around Descartes. We pray and dream of a day when our church touches all of these little areas. We are excited to be able to share with them the gospel for years to come. While doing that we’ve snuck in a few more visits to chateaux. 

-We, along with the rest of France, grieved for the attack in Nice. It is a terrible sign but a sign that there is much work to do and the frank observation that evil very much exists. While this was a dark mark here, we were also celebrating with the rest of Descartes (it seemed like EVERY PERSON was there) during the 14th July celebration. We had a prayer service at church in Loches the Sunday after the attack. It was very touching and a great reminder to pray for countrymen, strangers and leaders all the time.

-It will take the national phone company 1 month to activate our phone line at the house. This means at the end of July we hope to have internet restored to the house to feel a little more connected and to be better able to share plans and needs for the church in Descartes. Hence the ‘cold shoulder’ title. We haven’t been avoiding, just not very ‘connected’. 

-Prayer Points:
-Pray that our ability to meet with local adjoints about the building for the church will come to fruition. We would really like to hear some news on this building sooner than later.
-Same note: pray for patience for us.
-Pray for neighborhood contacts, those we’ve invited to our house and those we see on a regular basis. That we will be bold with the gospel and willing to share God’s love for all. 

Thanks again for all that you do, and to Winifred Road Church of Christ and their VBS kids who sent a really awesome little package our way this past week. It was a great reminder of God’s love and your prayers! 
