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You can do more than pray after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed.      – S.D. Gordon

We all know we need to pray. No one has to tell us to do so. In fact, it seems to be almost hardwired into us. And when we don’t (specifically as Christians) we feel a sort of deficit within us. Knowing this, why is it that we still don’t pray? It’s estimated that the average Christian prays a measly 3 ½ minutes per day…3 ½ minutes!!! When we pray, we are approaching the very heart of our Heavenly Father who longs to be with us, hear us, and give good gifts to His own. So, what’s the issue? Do we not know how? Do we not completely believe in the power of prayer? Do we make excuses (ie. lack of focus, lack of time, lack of qualification)? Really, the basics of prayer are pretty clear. Prayer is talking and listening to God! Don’t make it more complicated than it ought to be. Nothing moves forward, no plans succeed, unless they are first brought to the Lord in prayer! Be with the Lord in prayer…and watch how every other aspect of your life changes (Matt. 17:20)!

Prayer Thought for Today

  1. PRAY!!!

Today’s prayer request comes to us from a KM missionary couple working in Deinze, Belgium. “One goal of our congregation is to appoint elders and deacons by the end of 2017. Another is to establish a counseling group. We are thankful to have developed and worked through a course with eight workers from the congregation. We are in our final preparations for our summer retreat for children and youth with Downs Syndrome and autism. This will be our fourteenth and final time of leading this retreat. Please pray God will provide a suitable successor to take it over.”

Another prayer request comes to us from a KM missionary couple working in Skopelos, Greece. “Please pray that all the participants in Christian retreats and Bible schools on the island this summer will meet God in new ways and will personally freshly experience his presence.”

Clayton J. Elliott
Pastoral Ministries and Prayer, Kontaktmission USA   (731) 217-1741

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