GREETINGS FROM MARILYN – A COLD WINTRY DAY IN SOUTH AFRICA! Well, most of you know that it’s not too bad, the sun is shining and warming things up outside, only the house is cold. I’m in Joburg with Cathie and she and I have been trying to get work done in between drinking lots of coffee to keep warm. Every time I sat down with a blanket on my lap, the cat jumped on. Then when I got up, the dog stole my chair and blanket.

Last week I had three 16-year olds visiting – Joshua from Colorado, John-Michael, my grandson, and his friend, Wakeford. They were great and enjoyed the freedom of being on the farm. The challenge was that one was a vegetarian and one didn’t eat vegetables! But, it was great having them here. We took the local bus back on Friday morning and I think they were happy to be back in civilization.

My weekend with family was special, saw lots of friends, celebrated Cathie’s birthday, played with little Michaela who is now 6 months old. The Lord is so good!

We have had students home for a break again. The ones in Polokwane gave testimonies of the great things happening there with their Bible Study. They meet together every evening for about an hour and now the whole house where they stay have accepted the Lord. We hope to see some baptisms soon. As most have come from non-Christian backgrounds, they are just learning everything. And, yes, they are keeping up on their studies!

Kid’s Club continues with the youth taking responsibility with the kids and several of ones learning to give the lesson. 

I’m in the middle of several learning curves. Finally decided that I have to learn XCell in order to do my books more efficiently – Cathie and I are often on the phone so she can help me out of a predicament. A new computer is arriving this weekend and it is a Mac which I haven’t used so I will again be learning. But, I believe this will also help me be more efficient. There are only so many hours in a day and I need all the help I can get.

And, the great news is that Connie Connolly arrives on Tuesday to be my companion/co-worker for three months. We have been friends for a long time and I look forward to our time together!

Here are some photos taken by Juliet Calcott of Lethabo Kid’s Club.



Wrapt Attention                                      Waiting for the Message


A Great Picture!                                                 Sad Eyes!




Godfrey teaching                    Thomas, Happy and Marilyn at Kid’s Club


Please pray much for the children and youth. I can’t even tell you the dangers some of them are in. Thank the Lord that so many come and are learning that Jesus Loves Them! May the gospel messages help to keep them from evil!


Much love in Jesus,
