This Week
Mon. July 11th- Devotional
Last week was a very dark one in the world. With massive bombings in Iraq, plus two racially charged shootings and an attack on police officers in the U.S., it almost feels like we can’t escape the darkness. 
How should a Jesus-follower respond to all of this?
Click the graphic above to read more of this week’s Monday Devotional.

Wed. July 13th – Project Video

In lieu of our normal Project Story article, we are excited to present to you a brand new Project Story video!
This video is a retelling of the impact that your generosity has made for the families served in Kenya this Spring who have been suffering the effects of a 3-year drought. Click the screenshot above to see how you are making a difference in the lives of others!
Did you miss last week’s story? Check it out here: 

2 Things We Take for Granted: India 

New Staff Member
We are excited to introduce you to our newest staff member, Susan Billington. She will be fulfilling the role of Development Assistant. We are thankful to have her join the IDES family! Click her picture to find out more about her.
IDES Can Accept Gifts of Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Fund Shares.
Donating an appreciated asset to IDES can increase the impact of your gift while providing you with a favorable tax deduction.

  • Do you itemize your charitable gifts when filing your taxes?
  • Have you held the asset for a year or longer?
  • Is it worth more now than when you purchased it?

If so, it may make sense to transfer that asset directly to IDES, rather than selling the asset and making a cash donation.

To learn more about how to donate appreciated assets call IDES at (317) 773-4111.

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IDES, P.O. Box 379, 355 Park 32 West Dr., Noblesville, IN 46061