End of June Update & June Videos

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

WOW! We know what it means to be grateful for your support and prayers for this ministry. God continues to bless this ministry.


We did produce one new album so far this year, Mark of the Lamb, and have 3 almost done and ready to be produced. Your support keeps this going.


July 4-9 is almost here – the DeafNation Expo in Las Vegas. We will have a booth there-over 50,000 deaf are expected to attend. LORD willing we will hand out our DVDs to them. The team of 45 needs your prayers. We need prayers for a mighty work of the LORD be done.


As you may already be aware, we spent the majority of June in the hospital to treat what was diagnosed as an advanced form of non-smokers lung cancer. A symptom of the cancer was the growth of a mass at the base of Steve’s spine that, due to its location and size, has been putting pressure on the nerves of his spine and causing him a great deal of pain. We have ordered medicine that will hopefully shrink and completely destroy the mass. Tonight (6/29) He JUST started this medication to target this DNA mutation cancer. But in the meantime travelling is very difficult for him. We do thank everyone who has donated towards the considerable medical bills and has prayed for healing for Steve. Every donation and prayer has helped us so much and we praise God that we have such kind people helping us.


Even with Steve’s health problems – the WORK goes onward! Productions continue, internship continues this summer. Illness may cause us to go a little slower—but we will not stop. Pray for God to heal. Steve plans to go to Las Vegas with us, but we will only have him help at the booth for a few hours each day as he is in the process of healing.


We will continue to post updates and answer questions. If plans change, we will let you know.


Thank you for your prayer and support.


Expressions of Emmanuel


P.S. If you would like more information on how Steve is doing follow our blog for him or Vonda on facebook

if you would like to make a donation for Steve’s medical expendses you can do that here

News From The Amazing Interns

Praise God for the Faith and Endurance of our beloved interns! James 1:2-4 says, “Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.”

As many know, Steven and Vonda had to be rushed to the hospital to attend to Steven”s medical condition which has caused them to stay in McKinney, TX and then Houston, TX for 31 days. (4 weeks) The interns, (Andy, Kendra, and Hayley) were left with the task of taking care of the house, editing testimonies, getting the new DVDS done, and doing administrative responsibilities for Expressions of Emmanuel. It was a surprise that took us all by storm. We didn’t expect this, nor did we wish for it. It was an emotional roller coaster, but we stuck together in prayer and rose to the occasion. And guess what? God saw it through for us.

Right before Selah’s internship started in Colorado Springs, CO. Andy Lobaugh drove Selah’s car 14 hours for her to Colorado, so that she would not be exhausted at the start of her internship with Focus on the Family.

Laura Skinner and family, and Sherry Lococo came to help oversee the internship program in June while Steven and Vonda sought the best medical care. Laura helped interns keep on track and helped give us wisdom as we patiently endured testing. She also helped oversee provisions for the interns. Sherry drove from Missouri and stayed at the EOE mission house for two weeks and led the sign language class so that the interns could learn sign language and to be ready for our Deaf Nation outreach in Las Vegas. It was wonderful and fun to for the interns to have Laura and Sherry come and accompany them. During this time, the two other interns, Autumn and Bekah came and joined the group. It was nice for them to have extra set of hands to help. All of the interns including Laura and Sherry are heroes as we worked diligently to finish tasks that we left for them. God had provided a way for Steve to get medical care and for the internship program to still thrive. Now Steve and Vonda are back home and are leading the internship program. Thanks to Laura and Sherry for leading the program in our absence.

The interns had the opportunity to enjoy Deaf Awareness Day at Six Flags Over Texas. This was just another way for them to learn about the Deaf Community and also have fun. It was a hot day as the Texas heat was new to some of the interns. They certainly have worked hard and needed some play time together!

We have much to be thankful for! Three days until we leave for Las Vegas! God is so good. The interns expressed their thankfulness for the opportunity to come and experience spiritual growth. We know God planned this and in the end, we were victorious!

We are praying for Steven to be well. We will trust in the Lord, and we believe God is surely able to do ANYTHING! Thanks to Andy for this article.

The 2016 Summer full-time EOE Interns are Andy, Kendra, Hayley, Autumn, and Bekah. Another Intern, Jolene, will arrive on July 9th.

June Videos

We wants to share these Vlogs that we have recently shared on social media. We pray that you will be encouraged when you watch these. Remember God loves you so much! Enjoy! If you get time, check out our website and our YouTube Channel! Holy Hugs!

Love in Jesus,
Steven and Vonda Hamilton and family, Expressions of Emmanuel


Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives me strength.” This is a WONDERFUL verse that can give us courage!Read More>>

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Past the Wishing

Pennies, Quarters, Dimes, Nickels… coins… pocket change… sometimes people will throw them in a wishing well for fun and make a wish….Read More>>

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The Father Loves Me

Sometimes I work SO HARD… my husband, Steve, will ask me ,”Are you having fun?” He asks me that question to remind me that life is not just work…. Read More>>

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The Word

Sometimes every person will say words and think that what they are saying is right and then later… people find out “OOPS, my bad! I am wrong!” Read More>>

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Clean on the Inside

Spring cleaning! It is time to sweep… get everything dusted… clean out the closets, and let the sun shine into our homes! But more importantly… Read More>>

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Did you know we have an online store.

Click here to view all of our available DVDs

Expressions of Emmanuel

PO Box 62, Ector, TX 75439

Office: 903.583.6143 Cell: 903.449.6328 Fax:903.449.6893

VP: 903.449.4086(Z) or 903.257.3448(Sorenson)

Website: www.expressionsofemmanuel.com

Facebook: Vonda Bland Hamilton & Expressions of Emmanuel

Email: vondabland@msn.com or hamilton.steven@gmail.com

Skype: Expressions.of.Emmanuel

Twitter: @VisionsforVonda

YouTube Channel: expressionsemmanuel

Blog: www.expressionsofemmanuel.com/blog/