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Strategic Outreach to Students

Sergei Golovin, Regional Director of GNPI-Eurasia
God keeps filling every challenge the world provides for us with new opportunities. Due to our teaching and training office in the new location in mainland Ukraine and volunteers going out as displaced persons to various regions of the country, we are able to respond to those opportunities more effectively as a result. READ MORE

Introducing the Gospel


Daniel Meyer is delivering a couple of GNPI Solar Kits to West Africa to encourage the Christian workers there who are sharing the Gospel. Daniel is traveling to Togo and Ghana as a representative of the Gifts for the Nations ministry. One creative use of the Solar Kit he has seen during a previous trip was when Christian workers showed the Gospel to people waiting in line at a medical clinic.


Only God

Mike Schrage


I visited missionaries in Sudan and national workers in Uganda recently. GNPI is privileged to help both communities of workers through resources like Solar Kits for evangelism or a marriage series designed especially to educate and edify newly married couples in Uganda. While on the trip…



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