Diamond Willow Ministries
Spring, 2016
“US Suicide Rate Surges to a 30 Year High”
 “American indians had the sharpest rise of all racial and ethnic groups, with rates rising by 89% percent for women and 38% for men.”
The quote above was a headline of an April 22, 2016 New York Times article.  Tragically, high suicide rates have historically been a reality here on teh Crow Creek Sioux Reservation.  Thankfull, we had most recently experienced several years of a lower rate of completed suicides.  That was until now. Iread full article)
Tokata Youth Center Update
It has already been over a year since DWM began operating the Tokata Youth Center (TYC) here in Ft. Thompson.  The outreach has been tremendous, with more than 200 youth attending TYC Programming during the last 17 months.  There contunies to be much excitement with this new endeavor, as well as challenges.
It has been exhilariting to watch the dramatic changes happening in the youth who are regularrly attending the TYC.  The consistent growth of Chrsit-like character in the youth is exciting to experience.  All these exciting changes have not come without a few challenges…. Iclick here to read full article)
Diamond Willow Ministries Seeking Sponsorships for Youth to Attend Cantemawaste Christian Camp
Camp Theme for 2016 – Jesus Saves
The youth on the reservation battle many things daily – poverty, bullying, drug and alcohol realted issues.  We offer the Cantemawaste Christian Camps each summer as an avenue for youth to hear the hope and peace they can find in Jesus.  The youth build their confidence in God.  They begin to see who they are in Christ, created uniquely and special in His sight.  We will be offering 5 age graded camps this summer.  These camps expand our reach to new youth each year.  It is an eye-opening and life-changing ewxperience!
Would you consider being a camp sponsor and help impact the life of a Native American Youth this summer?
A contribution of $125.00 will help cover the costs of camp for a child this summer.
Make checks payable to Diamond Willow Ministries mail to DWM; PO Box 438; Ft. Thompson, SD  57339
You may also give online at www.d-w-m.org.  Go to the “You Can Help” tab in the left hand column for teh online giving portal.  In the comment section indicate “Cantemawaste Camp”.