Dear Ones,

Thursday was a cold and rather dismal day to be inside catching up on work, and late afternoon I went outside with a cup of hot rooibos tea and sat down with the sunshine at my back. There were a few wispy clouds. I looked away and back again, and they had changed and looked like they were dancing! And, my joy and peace returned!

The house is finally finished with it’s new ‘bonnet’. It looks great! I was also able to have the ‘lapa’ rethatched so it is ready for the next guests to enjoy a time around a campfire. I thank the Lord for the church and a women’s fellowship and good friends who have made this all possible. No more leaks on my desk or around the fireplace in the house!

Kid’s Club has continued with probably an average of 500 kids per week, sometimes more, sometimes less. I had several requests for school clothes, shoes or school bags as they don’t seem to  last. I prayed – and the next day I received an e-mail from a Trust which had helped us with school clothes at the beginning of the year, saying that they had allocated some more funds for this need. Since it is winter here, the kids are needing sweaters and track suits for warmth, and track shoes as it is soccer season. 

Here is a picture of Shepherd and Happiness with their new school uniforms.

Piet’s shoes before

Piet’s shoes after J

I taught the Revolution Kids in Bible Study today with Thomas as interpreter. We made “The Wordless Book”. Afterwards a neighbour man came to talk with me about a problem and I let the kids practice telling the Gospel to him with the Wordless Book. He seemed to really enjoy it – I hope he got the powerful message!

Our Kholofelo Association board met and had a successful meeting. All were pleased with the reports of the students. We still await news about our registration from the government department. It’s been nearly a year now! Please pray this will come through soon.

All in all, the month of May has been extremely full with thatchers in and out of my house, caring for the needs of kids, counselling and problem solving for families. I did have a weekend in Joburg with family celebrating Becky’s birthday with a shopping trip, being there for Michaela’s dedication to the Lord by her parents, Morne’ and Jacque, praying with Billy who was having surgery on his shoulder, and just generally enjoying togetherness!

And, we just got great news yesterday! The father of the twins whom we stepped out in faith to support with accommodation and food in college, went to visit the girls last weekend, went to church with them, and accepted the Lord. He will be getting more instruction with the youth leaders here in Leseding and I’m sure he will be baptised soon. He has already shown fruits of his commitment by destroying all the books he had from the ‘prophet’ of his old church!

Another prayer request:  Connie Connolly, who was in Africa quite a few years ago, has committed herself to come and be a companion/co-worker with me for three months. However, raising funds has been slow for her. Will you pray for her and her needs that if this is the Lord’s will He will provide. We only seek the Lord’s will in this!


In His Service,
Marilyn Cook

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6,7