JUNE 2016








  • Bill has been part of Restore since October and is a full-time teacher in Quincy. He recently told us that he feels called into full-time ministry. Please pray for Bill as he seeks God’s will about what’s next, and pray that we can help encourage him for future ministry.
  • Morgan Witzke is our newest summer intern. She will be a senior at Lincoln Christian University and is at Restore for the summer helping out with our outreach events and children’s ministry. Pray for her that she may be able to grow and learn from her time at Restore.
  • Victor and Lisa have been coming to Restore for a while along with their two little girls Victoria and Aria. Aria is two years old and was placed with them through foster care when she was just four weeks old. Very recently Victor and Lisa were told that Aria would be going back to her birth family in a very short time. Please pray for Aria and this family as they go through this emotional and relational change. 
  • Lului is a volunteer in the Children’s area here at Restore. She has been working towards getting and receiving her green card here in the U.S.A. She has recently gotten the approval for her green card. Celebrate this awesome moment with us and pray for Lului as she works through the final part of the process.

NorthPointe Christian Church


  • Please pray for Andrea. Andrea is a single mom that called into NorthPointe looking for assistance on her electric bill that was past due. Through our Dollar Club ministry, we were able to help in a pretty significant way. Andrea has been to church the past three Sundays. She has even invited her sister and her family to join her. Please pray that Andrea and her family will be open to the Gospel and that NorthPointe can continue to minister to her beyond financial assistance.
  • Please pray for Rafi. Rafi and his wife have been attending NorthPointe for almost a year now. I had the privilege of baptizing his wife last December. Over the last few months, Rafi has been feeling a desire for more in his relationship with the Lord and is exploring different ways he can get involved with NorthPointe beyond just serving in one of our ministries. Rafi has the gift of leadership and is an excellent communicator. He is highly relational and connects easily with people. Pray that we will be able to discern Rafi’s next steps and that he will be willing to follow wherever God leads, even if it requires a big step of faith.
  • Please pray for Brian. I got connected with Brian through a cycling app I use called Strava. We’ve done a half dozen rides together now and have built a friendship. Recently, he started opening up to me about his life. He divorced his wife of 29 years in 2015 and started seeing another woman. His adult children are really struggling with his decision and he’s in a place of vulnerability and confusion. We’ve had several meaningful conversations about faith and family. I’ve had the opportunity to pray with him about the things going on in his life and he seems very open to bringing Jesus into our discussions. Please pray that Brian’s heart will be open to the Gospel and he’ll find a new peace and comfort in the Lord.

SouthPointe Christian Church


  • Mike was not raised in church and comes from a background of addiction to painkillers. He has a lot of instability in his life: he doesn’t have consistent employment, he has a rocky relationship with the mother of his four-year-old son, and he lives in a very rough area. He is hungry for the Gospel, but he has so many obstacles in his life that often prevent him from attending on Sundays or participating in a home group. Pray for God to help Mike work through these obstacles.
  • Kevin started coming to SouthPointe just before Easter. This is his first church experience in a really long time. Though he is young guy, he has struggled with a significant back injury. He has really connected at SouthPointe. Pray for him to place his trust in Jesus and continue to connect at a deeper level.
  • Brooke came to Christ at SouthPointe, but her boyfriend James does not join her. Though he was raised in church, he has trouble going since returning from Afghanistan. He also has had several physical issues this year. Pray for him to heal physically and to turn back to Jesus as Lord of his life.

OceanPointe Christian Church


  • For several months now, a member of our church family has been asking us to pray for her uncle who is addicted to alcohol. Just a few weeks ago, James came to church for the first time! He’s been every week since, and now his family is attending with him! We are so excited to watch the story unfold in James’ life as he gets nearer to God. Please pray that James stays sober and is able to lead his family in a direction pleasing to God.
  • Please continue your prayers for Jada as she seeks an additional job to prove she’s capable of taking care of her 7-year-old daughter. Jada has been allowed to see her daughter recently and is trying to work her way to being able to take care of her again. One of her recent prayer cards read, “Even in this worldly ‘storm’ in this life, I am weathering it well–still finding joy in the midst of my sorrows.” Please keep praying for Jada to rejoice in Christ and be able to reunite her family.
  • Please be in prayer for the Booker family. They slowly transitioned to OceanPointe from another church where the husband was a pastor recently. The couple and their teenage children have had a lot of healing to do from being burned by churches in the past, and somehow OceanPointe has been the place where all four of them feel at home and connected to God again. Praise God for the healing they’ve found here, and please continue to pray that their family is united in Christ. 
  • We just added two new people to the OceanPointe staff! Elise and Peyton arrived at the end of May and have already come to feel that this community is their home. Elise is going to be working in administration and event planning, while Peyton will be running our Student Ministry. We are thrilled to have them here, and we pray that God will use them both in big ways to reach this community for Christ!


BridgePointe Christian Church


  • This past Sunday during services and our Summer Kickoff we had the privilege of seeing 20 people take steps closer to Jesus through Baptism. A local couple named Ed and Darlene were invited by their neighbor Keke. They came to services on Sunday and after listening to the message on why we baptize, they both knew it was time to be obedient to Jesus. Ed and Darlene were Baptized in the bay during our Summer Kick off on Sunday.  That is the power of praying for one! Please pray that Ed and Darlene will continue to take steps and engage in relational environments that would help them grow in faith. 
  • Laura has been attending BridgePointe since early April, she is new to faith and has enjoyed exploring Jesus with BridgePointe. During the message on Sunday she had a chance to respond to the work Jesus did on the cross. Laura is carrying the weight of turmoil that exists in her personal and married life. Through a lengthy conversation with one of the First Impressions Team Leads, Laura decided that it was time to respond to Jesus through Baptism. Please pray that Laura would continue to grow in her faith and that her marriage would slowly be restored.
  • In one month our student ministry will be heading to Berlin NH to workcampNE. This year we are excited to take 15 students.  There are several students who are still exploring faith for the very first time. Please pray that this week would be a catalyst for them to take steps closer to Jesus. Please keep workcamp, our staff, and the students in your prayers. We believe that God is already preparing for an amazing week that would Glorify His name in Berlin, NH.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
