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F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
F I N D out M O R E

Change is the only constant…

Change is the only constant here.

We have been in Vanuatu for 8 months. In that time we have had teammates leave and come back. Translators come to town for a month and then head to the bush for two months. We’ve moved houses and changed tactics on our war against boils. Now we have to get a permit to get pepperoni sent to us in care packages!

But not all change is bad.

Angie and I can now carry on a conversation in Bislama. Money is being raised by nationals to build a Bible translation center here. Our kids have each (almost!)completed their first year of homeschooling.

In the midst of all of the change in our lives, we can find peace knowing that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

This was my view as I read an article on How to Be a Real Missionary. I was sitting in the back of the room while 14 national translators read over their lanwis translations of Genesis, made corrections, and practiced reading the sections I was about to record for them. 

All I was doing was hitting record. Doesn’t sound all that exciting or even important. But I was also reassuring the translators that they did a great job reading. I got to be the one to see the smiles on their faces when they heard their own voices on the recorder. I showed up and I served.
I don’t always feel like I’m doing enough here. I’m not a translator or a VISTA teacher, but sometimes God (through an article) reminds me that God has called all of me to serve him however He sees fit. Today I recorded some gifted men so that others in their language group will get to hear God’s story. He saw fit to use me and for that I am grateful.

Prayer Points
By the end of the current VISTA module our translators will have rough-draft translations of several Psalms and some Proverbs. Praise God for bringing his Wisdom Literature into the hands of the people of Vanuatu!

~ This week Lauren turned 11 and Matt & Angie celebrated 20 years of marriage! Thank God with us for these milestones.

~ Please continue to pray for our teammates: the Kopkes as Jordan’s dad died a few days ago. She and Ryan are in the states with her family. Please also pray for the Thompsons as they soon transition back to the States with their new baby.

There are two things which last forever–the Word of God and the souls of men. If you can connect these two things, that’s not a bad way to spend a life.”  -Greg Pruett, President of Pioneer Bible Translators
Copyright © 2016 Pioneer Bible Translators, All rights reserved.