Outreach, Arms and Unknown Illness. 







School – Phase two of our school expansion is complete. Phase three begins later this week. Morale is at a all time high despite increased conflicted and raise of insecurities. (over 700 displaced children of 17 tribes wait patiently for the completion of their school). Our work in the United States has focused on logistical support and raising needed support for the completion of the project. Furnishings, windows and doors for the structure need funding.  Simultaneously we are empowering two other projects in South Sudan. One directed to 3,000 displaced and one specific toward the relief and vocational training of “Michael”. 

Pray for God’s provision, wisdom and discernment for the mission in South Sudan. 
In the past 96 Hours Ebola Like virus has taken 61 victims 10 of which are dead. The disease reportedly has symptoms that include bleeding, fever and vomiting with effects similar to Ebola, but laboratory tests show that it’s not and do not explain the 10 deaths. All samples tested negative for Ebola and other Hemmorrhagic diseases,”. “Further laboratory testing is ongoing that may confirm the causative agent,”.  The health sector in South Sudan is grossly underfunded. 
Pray for Health Care workers who are putting their life on the line in Juba and other remote parts as they treat those suffering from the unknown illness. 
battle ensued within the community where two of MERCY PARTNERS latest wells were bored. (deep water Boreholes)  – This past Saturday twenty one Sudanese Peoples Liberation Army Troops (SPLA) were fatally wounded during renewed fighting, between Opposition forces, (SPLA – IO).
Pray that this skirmish does not birth widespread conflict. Last year this area was the first to experience a CHOLERA outbreak, we ask for Gods mercy upon the inhabitants of Kajo Kaji. 

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