School Expansion 



School expansion – We have begun to expand our school in South Sudan – Already we have 750 at risk children in attendance. Pray for peace among the Chaos as this can be very, very, difficult with limited staff and resources. Pray for the teachers sanity as they have also experienced the war many times over. 

Pictured above Sandie and preschool teacher Sarah.

Last week: MERCY PARTNERS place a plan in action to provide for the needs of those that are being affected over the next three months. Our main focus is the marginalized and displaced peoples that are within the communities we serve.  By empowering the local church to be the hands and feet of Christ we are able to meet the opportunity of evangelism with the resources God has entrusted to us..  Our target is to provide tarps, food, cooking utensils, mattresses, sanitized water cans and medical services for 3,000 – If you would like to be part of this outreach, use the “donate “ link below – 

PRAY for those displaced due to war. 
PRAY for wisdom and our chain of data so we can obtain good reporting among chaotic conditions, for both the school expansion and the outreach to the displaced. 

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Mercy Partners, PO Box 236, Columbia North Carolina, 27925 is a 501c3 tax deductable charity.