Prayer Blast!

Greetings in the Lord Jesus!  

My name is Clay Elliott and I head up prayer ministry for Kontaktmission USA.

We are so thankful for those of you who already know about KM and also those who partner through prayer and giving! The Lord is doing some amazing things because of your faithfulness!

Here at KM we desire everything we do to be a matter for prayer. PRAYER CHANGES THINGS (Ps. 2:8)!
We need YOU to pray with us! We want you to know how vitally important your prayers are to the success of this ministry.  Whether it’s praying for things that go on around the KMUSA/EU offices or for our missionaries in many parts of Europe, partnering with us in prayer meets a huge need!
The Lord listens to those who earnestly seek Him, and He is attentive to their prayers.  Your prayer support affects the Kingdom in ways we can see and tell on a daily basis.

How to Get Involved

  1.  Join our Public Prayer Team, which is open to everyone and committed to praying diligently for our missionaries and church plants all over Europe. We are convinced that plans and actions can ONLY succeed when they are first brought before the Lord in prayer. We need many of you to take this incredibly effective spiritual discipline of prayer to the highest level! Please partner with us and pray for the lost in Europe.
  2. Like us on Facebook and share with friends.  We have daily prayer requests that are accessible on our Facebook page…KontaktmissionUSA (no spaces).  Please pray for these requests coming from our missionaries in real time! Tell your Facebook friends about us as well. We would love to get as many people praying and learning effective ways to pray as possible!
  3. Let us hear from you. Tell us how we can pray for you personally. Let us pray with you as you seek God’s wisdom to go where He is calling you.

May you be blessed as you partner with us through prayer on such an incredible journey!

In His Grip,

Clayton J. Elliott
Pastoral Ministries and Prayer, Kontaktmission USA   (731) 217-1741

For giving options, see KMUSA is a US 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible.
Questions? Call (731) 784-9422 or email:


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