Travelin’ Miles: No empty stomachs
May 2016


Prayer prompts

Praise God for his gracious provision of Famine Relief for Aruamu people, through generous Christians here in the US!

Praise God for his help this last month as we (Pais Asefi, Robin Namai and Marsha) have worked on Old Testament books.  Our exegetical checking team has completed 7 books since mid-February (Judges, 1 Samuel, Lamentations, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah.)   Pray for us as we are start on Jeremiah this week.

Praise God for the completion of the comprehension check of Judges, by our Aruamu team in PNG.

Pray for our Aruamu teammates as they work on comprehension checking in the village:  1 Samuel, Micah, and Nahum.

Pray for Nathan and the Paratext Bible translation software development team, as they work toward the release of Paratext 8.0 in June.

Pray for Pais Asefi, as we have just found out yesterday that he has a fairly thick cataract in one eye.  Pray as we sort out how to help him.  He will probably need surgery while he is still here in the US.

Pray for us as we search for clean water solutions for the Aruamu area.

You are invited to partner financially in Bible Translation ministry. You can give online at the link below to my ministry, and also the Aruamu Translation Fund, the Aruamu Literacy Fund, the Aruamu Scripture Printing Fund.  (Of course, the normal “check” method listed below works great, as well.)

“Man does not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceeds
out of the mouth of God.”

No Empty Stomachs!

Dear family and friends,
I have wondered what it must have been like to have had a ringside seat that day on the Galilean hillside 2,000 years ago, amidst 5,000 men-plus-women-and-children, listening hungrily to God’s message delivered in person by His Son.  Then, as the sun was setting, the entire crowd was dizzy with hunger, but gradually realizing there was no food, and dreading the long hike home on empty stomachs. Then I think what it would have been like to have had a ringside seat, watching Jesus as picked up that little lunch-offering of a lad, and lifted it toward heaven and broke it, and broke it, and broke it some more — and kept breaking it until there was enough to go around to feed the entire throng of people.
These last couple of months, I have felt like I have had a ringside seat to observe a miracle which God has done for the Aruamu people in Papua New Guinea.  You know that, because of a 9 month long drought severe hunger has affected the entire Aruamu people group.  We prayed.  God moved his people with hearts of compassion. God has provided food for hungry people once again!
Just this week 6 long trucks carrying mountains of rice journeyed from the town of Madang to the Aruamu area. It was enough to bless 1,970 hungry families – about 10,000 people!  It must be a similar amount of people to the number that Jesus fed on the hillside long ago. There are no empty stomachs in the entire Aruamu people group tonight.  Praise God.
My heart is so full of gratitude for what God has done!  Thank you for praying and helping.
Blessings to you,
Marsha Miles
(for Nathan Miles, Robin Namai, and Pais Asefi, as well)


Here is a  note from Robin Namai, one of our Aruamu translators who is working with me   in Dallas on checking Old Testament books:
I am Robin.  I would like to say thank you for your helping to the Aruamu people. I am one of the Aruamu translators from Papua new Guinea.  My  own village is Tongbur village. We have had this famine for 9 months, starting from June 2015 into 2016.  My own family in the village has been facing this famine.  I came to the U.S.  in February to help check our Old Testament translation. So I had to leave my family in PNG in this hunger-time.

Since I have been here in the US, I can see that there are many foods here, and I can eat 3 times a day. I want to say thank you to God’s  people here for having compassion toward the Aruamu people and sharing your blessing with them.  Because of your helping, now they are having rice to eat, while they are waiting for the new gardens to grow.   Your helping is very wonderful and kind. I know that God will bless you.

I thank you for your prayer for our Aruamu people during this difficult time, and also for your prayer for us as we work on translating.

God bless you,
Robin Namai Aruabas
Aruamu Bible Translator


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