In this eNews:
» A Village Engages with the Words of Jesus
» In Their Own Words: Scripture Reading
» A Free VBS Resource for Your Church
2014 Ministry Overview

A Quiet Crowd

A Village Engages with the Words of Jesus

About 80 people sat staring intently at nothing in particular, their faces wearing that strange look of concentration that comes from straining with all their energy to hear a sound. Every person leaned forward to capture every word of the Sermon on the Mount as the voice of Jesus echoed through the grass shelter. 

How Did They Respond to What Jesus Said?

2014 Ministry Overview

In Their Own Words

Scripture Reading

“It’s really fun to be the first person to read a Bible story to someone!” Joe and Carole Hoover share their experiences with how Scripture impacts those who hear.


Watch Now

2014 Ministry Overview
2014 Ministry Overview

A Free VBS Resource for Your Church

Kids can provide verses of Scripture in languages that don’t yet have it!

Verse by Verse Kids! is designed to accompany your Vacation Bible School curriculum. It’s a tangible, easy-to-understand way for children to get personally involved in the Great Commission.

Learn More
The photo for “God’s Word and Gunpowder Tea” © Flickr user Frank Keillor, made available under Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial License 2.0
Copyright © Pioneer Bible Translators, All rights reserved.

Pioneer Bible Translators
7255 West Camp Wisdom Road
Dallas, TX 75236

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