It seems like no matter what comes our way in a given month, I still sit down to work on the newsletter and wonder, “What happened this month?” Oh yeah, our first cyclone, two moves, an earthquake, a medical evacuation for our teammate…now I remember.
April 5th brought our family’s first cyclone. We thought it was pretty stormy for just a tropical low and found out the next day that the cyclone formed right over us. We lost power several times, but we were safe and dry. Thankfully, cyclone season is over for now!
The very next day we got word about a property we thought would never be an option for our team unless God intervened. It was now available for the price we had offered! That set into motion three weeks of planning, packing, moving into our teammates apartment for a week, and finally moving into the new place.
The morning we moved, we woke up to a 7.0 earthquake. What a way to start moving day! Our teammates all came up the hill in case of tsunami and we enjoyed hanging out for a while. Then we made our way down to the new place to find issues with several appliances, the gas bottles almost empty, no key to the warehouse, and all of the kitchenware such as pots, plates, cups, etc gone. So it has taken a while to get everything figured out, but we’re almost there. And we have no doubt that it will all totally be worth it when the 14 national translators are studying God’s Word in that building and figuring out how to put it into their own language for their people.
Thank you for making it possible for our family to serve here. We appreciate each and every one of you!
~ Angie (for Matt, Ethan, Aidan, and Lauren, too)