2016 light the fire 







• We are 3 days into our Light the Fire prayer initiative – Mercy Partners has organized 168 hours of prayer during this week. Our goal is to understand the great commission. One of these goals is to pray for one another ( Disciples) in various parts of the world. May God give us wisdom and insight to lead others by example.  you can join is by visiting : http://www.mercy-partners.org/prayer-light-the-fire.html   or, if you are near Columbia North Carolina : visit Cabin Swamp Church of Christ  ( Newland Road) from 7am – 7pm to visit 8 live prayer stations.

Specific Prayer Request: 
• Evangelist Peter of South Sudan – needs strength and protection.

Nuer Tribe of South Sudan – Many will return to capital “JUBA” – they fear rejection and isolation. We will run a feeding program to show Mercy in the name of Jesus. We need the resources and logistics that only God can provide through His people. 

• School expansion – We have begun to expand our school in South Sudan – Already we have 750 at risk children in attendance. Pray for peace among the Chaos as this can be very, very, difficult with limited staff and resources. Pray for the teachers sanity as they have also experienced the war many times over. 

• Tom – Hand injury – When departing N.Africa he sustained a injury that continues to flair up. – Request healing. 

• University Students- Tom & Sandie spoke to university students on Monday – The subject is “ Serving others through your brokenness” – Pray that the hearts of ministry students will be reminded  as they prepare to serve others.

• Those in need – There are many, many, that have incredible need that God has woven into our lives. Financial, physical, mental and most of all Spiritual needs. – It can be overwhelming to sort out what we must do, ( what is within Gods will for us to accomplish while on this earth) – This requires prayer and discernment. Ask God to provide us wisdom to use our time wisely.

Please share this with someone today.  



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