mPowering sustainable global transformation 

 Psalm 139:1-5
“You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.”

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April 2016  
In January, I went on a training trip to Ghana, Africa, with mPower Approach. It was one of the most powerful and life-changing times I’ve ever experienced. However, if I’m being honest, I always feel that way when I return from a mission trip.

Several months earlier, I started a project with refugee women. These women did not have any sewing skills. I began by teaching them to make tote bags. It took several weeks of my summer. I quickly realized I was a little irritated with God because I didn’t want to lead yet another project teaching them yet another skill. For 6 years I had been teaching them other skills and I felt it was time for someone else to “step up!”

Little did I know that this experience was preparing me for this mission trip to Ghana with mPower Approach. I had always dreamed of traveling to Africa and the January trip seemed to be a perfect fit for me. The team needed two people to teach sewing skills. I admit I was hoping to see lions, giraffes and hippos; instead I met some of the most amazing people in the world.

The Ghanian people are an inspiration to me. They have so little in the way of material things, but they love the Lord so much. Our goal was to teach our students to make a skirt, a pair of pants, and a shirt. Each student did a great job mastering these skills. On the last day, we had extra time so I was able to teach the students how to make a tote bag. A tote bag very similar to the one I taught the refugee women to make.

God had it planned all along!

Trip Schedule
Nigeria: May 5-14, 2016
Uganda: July 29-August 8, 2016
Myanmar: September 9-18, 2016
Extractions, Dental Hygiene, Vision

Rwanda: September 23- October 2, 2016
Extractions, Sewing

Myanmar: October 28 – November 6, 2016
Follow-up and New Student Extractions, Pastor Training, Vision

Uganda: December 2-12, 2016
Partial Dentures

NE India: January 6-15, 2016
Extractions, Vision, Wound Care, Water

If you are interested in participating in a trip or scheduling 
a training, please simply reply to this email or call our office at 502-544-9031. 
mPower Approach
106 North Watterson Trail ● Louisville, KY 40243
mPower Approach, 106 North Watterson Trail, Louisville, KY 40243