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One Year Ago Today…
April 25, 2016          

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God continues to move in Nepal!
Over 2,500 Baptisms Took Place in 2015
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On April 25, 2015 (exactly 1 year ago today) a devastating earthquake struck Nepal.  Over 8,000 people lost their lives that day and entered into a Christless eternity.  Over the period of this last year, we have seen God and move in mighty ways!  We believe the earthquake was an opportunity to engage the peoples of Nepal with the message of hope and salvation that comes through Christ.
Nearly 30,000 Pieces of Gospel Literature
Were Distributed in 2015
Our evangelists who live in the areas hit heaviest by the earthquake were very busy throughout the remainder of the year.  They were not only distributing food, blankets and tents to those in need in their villages, but they were also busy sharing the Gospel message of Christ.
Multiple Church Buildings Were Built
in 2015 Through Your Generosity! 

In the areas hit the hardest by the earthquake, many of the church buildings and/or pastors’ homes were severely damaged or destroyed.  Through the generosity of concerned brothers and sisters in the U.S., we were able to help the Nepali believers build places of worship in nearly 20 villages.  The brothers and sisters in Nepal thank you for your overwhelming generosity.
Normally, Disciple Makers does not build any church buildings in Nepal, but rather encourages the local believers to take on this responsibility.  However, due to the extreme hardships  from the earthquake, exceptions were made.

Helping Fulfill
the Great Commission
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Since 1989 Disciple Makers has been committed to planting indigenous and sustainable churches who are able to reproduce among their own people. We seek to reach the unsaved, unreached and unengaged peoples of the earth with the good news of Christ.



Please pray for the people of Nepal as they continue with many hardships. Currently, there is a great economic crisis due to the blockade of imports from India.

Also, there is proposed legislation within the Nepali government to enforce anti-conversion laws which could result in 5 years of imprisonment (plus $5,000) for those found guilty.


For the security of our workers, we ask that you not distribute this information in digital format over the internet.  Thank you for your understanding.