Earthquake Response Update from our partners in Ecuador & Japan

IDES mission partners are now on the ground and assisting with response and relief efforts in both Japan and Ecuador. The clean-up, rebuilding, and long-term recovery processes have begun and will continue into the coming weeks. As we reach out with the Gospel to the families affected, your partnership is vital for our success.You are the difference-makers during this disaster. 

We just received the following report from our partners in Ecuador:

“We started Thursday with packing all the food bags with the church.  As we were packing we had people from the community tell us that their are earthquake victims living in the barrio next to us.  Everyone is in the process of evacuating Perdernales because it is destroyed.  So many are coming to Santo Domingo to live with families.  Right by our house the government has set up a refugee camp for the victims…There are between 100-120 families that we will be making boxes for. The boxes will consists of food, water, and things for personal hygiene. Our goal is to have church members as well as the community helping us organize and pack over 100 boxes. The whole community is behind this, everyone wants to help, which is good to see during this crisis! …coming together and “adapting” a whole town will be another opportunity to show Christ’s love, not only to the people in La Sequita but also to the community of Santa Martha. We want to build relationships with the whole town of La Sequita and share the Gospel! Without the generous people that will be donating this project would not be possible, so thank you for helping us put our faith into action! Please pray for this journey and the experience that God is giving His Kingdom. Let’s grow the Kingdom of God!”
(If desired, you can designate your gift for “Japan Earthquake” or “Ecuador Earthquake”)
New Staff Member
Welcome to the team, Dallas!

We are excited to introduce you to our newest member 
of the staff family, 
Dallas Cooper.
He will be fulfilling the dual role of Building & Grounds Manager / Asst. DART Coordinator for the ministry. 
Click on his picture to learn more about him! 
Coming Up This Week
Mon, April 25th – Devotional
This week’s Monday Devotional is a little different than usual. Have you ever imagined yourself inside specific scenes from Scripture? Click the graphic to participate in an imagination experiment of sorts, walking through the beautiful story of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet. 
Wed, April 27th – Project Story
God works powerfully through the hands of those who are willing to serve others. This week’s Project Story is an update on the situation in Pakistan, and the impact the Gospel of Jesus Christ is making thanks to the generosity of IDES supporters. Check the News blog on the website this Wednesday to find out what happened!
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