Tom’s Visit

Urgent Need for New Hope School

Please click HERE to read the Urgent Need, for our School.  (This was from our last Newsletter).

$75,000 Raised, out of $600,000, for our future Bible College. 

We are happy to say, so far, that we have raised $75,000, out of $600,000, for our Bible College Project.  We are hoping to complete this fundraising project, as soon as possible.  And, please keep in mind that this will also be our School Building and Sewing Center Building. 

Will you, or your Church consider partnering with us, in this project?  The sooner we start our Bible College, the sooner we will be able to train Preaching Ministers, and other deserving students who desire to be trained, in the ministry.  And, the sooner we will have more people to spread the Good News.

Once we also have this building, we will also be able to facilitate American visitors, who want to be a part of teaching, training, etc., in our Bible College and School. 

To read our original Bible College Proposal, please click HERE.

Tom’s Visit!

Tom Mullenix is the Founder and Director of Twelve21 Mission (, and has served many years as a Preaching Minister.  He travels, often to encourage missionaries and help with various ministries, around the world (preaching and teaching).  In addition to Pakistan, he has also been to India, the Philippines, Cuba, Africa (including Sierra Leone, the Ivory Coast and other places), Ukraine, and other countries.  He came to Pakistan, for the first time, in 2014, and we were so blessed and encouraged to have him come and visit, again.


During Tom’s visit, he preached in both of our Churches, was involved in our Second Church Inauguration Ceremony, spoke at two Guest Churches, and led packed-out prayer meetings and Bible Studies. 


Unfortunately, during his last day here, that was when the bomb blast happened. However, we were all okay, by the Grace of God, even though that was quite a day for it to be his last day, here. Tom had boarded the plane, back home, just hours after the bomb happened, and it was all over the news. While the bomb had happened, we were in the middle of fellowshipping with a Muslim family, at one of Sam’s relative’s houses. When we were getting ready to leave, we turned the TV on, and that is when we saw everything on the news.


Thanks to your prayers and the Grace of God, we were all safe, from that, and we are also very thankful to Tom for coming and taking such a risk, for God to come and teach, preach and encourage the people of Pakistan. May God bless his wonderful heart, and we have some picture updates, below.


4 Baptisms, during Tom’s Visit, and 1 more, the week after, making 5 Recent Baptisms!

Click HERE to watch the video

Tom Speaking at Two Guest Churches

The pictures, down below, were from another Guest Church Visit. Tom spoke and Sam translated. This visit was quite an experience, because it took 7 hours to get there, rather than 4 1/2 hours to get there. It was way out in a village, and the directions were not clear, in getting there. That is why it took our team so long to get there. The Pastor said, “Please come. It’s okay. Everybody here will wait.” And everybody waited till 10pm, when they got there. So here was the congregation that was there and were waiting to greet Sam and Tom, and to hear Tom’s Message.

Special Seminar at our Main Church

We had a special Seminar for Tom Mullenix, at our Main Church Branch, and many visitors attended from outside Churches, and other cities.  The topic was about “Sin,” and the Consequences and Effects of Sin.  The main verse theme was Hebrews 12:15.  Tom’s Message was received, very well.  Our Church was so packed, that we had to make an overflow, on the roof, on top.  You will see a picture of that, down below.

2nd Church Building Inauguration Ceremony

Palm Sunday

Easter Sunday

Prayer Requests

  • Upcoming Baby – Sam and Brittany are expecting another baby, due very soon.  Please keep them in your prayers.

  • House Transition: Sam and Brittany are currently busy, trying to move in their own house.  They currently don’t live in their own house, and had to consider their budget, before making this move.  Please pray for them as they work through this progress and transition, and as they try to finance everything, moving into this house.

  • The School Urgent Need and Situation.  As you may have read in the past Newsletter, our School is needing to move into a new building, for rent, until we have our Bible College project completed (when we will own our own land and building).  We found a building to rent, but it is going to be way more expensive than the previous rent.  If we are not able to finance it, our school will shut down.  Please pray about this urgent need.


Contacting Us via Phone

Our temporary US numbers, that we had, while we were traveling, have now been deleted (so, you can delete those US numbers from your phone).

We have cell phones, in Pakistan, but they are international numbers. We can give them to you, if you’d like. The easiest way to contact us, though, is through Facebook, Skype, Viber or WhatsApp.  We do many updates, on Facebook.  On Viber and WhatsApp, we are registered, on there, through our International numbers, so you will have to get those from us, if you want to add us. 


For those of you who do not know what Viber and WhatsApp is.. they are two apps that you can download to your phone, and you can text and call, for free (as long as you have an internet connection). It doesn’t use up any of your phone minutes. And, you can also send picture text messages, too.

Feel free to ask us about Skype and our numbers, registered on Viber and WhatsApp, and we can get in touch!


NHCMP is extremely grateful for you, your love, support and prayers.  Your financial support is also making a huge difference.  The people of Pakistan would like to send a huge thank you to all of you.


How to Donate to NHCMP:

Donating Online:
Before clicking the link, down below, please read this:
On the webpage, change the upper drop-down box to “Missions Fund,” and in the Special Instructions Box, write “To Sam Gill, 

Here is the link for Online Donations:


Donating through the Mail

Please make your Check out to: Eagle Christian Church

Memo: Sam Gill – Pakistan Mission

Where to send:
Eagle Christian Church
100 Short Ln.
Eagle, Idaho 83616

Donations are Tax-Deductible