Lifeline Christian Mission
Baptism in Panama
You are changing lives for eternity!
Because of your donations, prayers, and involvement with Lifeline, you are changing lives around the world.  You enable pastors to lead, national Christians to serve, churches to grow, and communities to be changed in Jesus’ name!  
Recently, our field staff shared these exciting updates:
  • René, Gertrude, Luckner, and Getro were baptized at our Laregal Christian Church (Haiti).  Getro was a former Mardi Gras leader whose baptism surprised many in the community.  He shared “I have had so many bad experiences in the world, that I have decided to give my life to Christ!”

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ministry highlights
Jordan Feliz with the students
Arizona: Navajo ministry
The students at our Red Sands Christian School were thrilled that music artist Jordan Feliz stopped by the school!  Check out our Facebook page to see Jordan sing “The River” with the students.
leadership seminar
The leadership conference with the house church leaders was well received.  They are hungry for training and fellowship.  At the conclusion of the seminar, the leadership team prayed with each leader individually.  It was a very emotional and powerful experience.
Positive feedback is being received from the students from a recent session at the Bible Institute, which was led by Haitian teachers only.  The students have been given research assignments to bring to the next session in June.
race participants
Several of our girls participated in a 5k marathon to support the Omoa Red Cross. Elizabeth won 1st place and Angie won 2nd place in the women’s category (all ages). Congratulations ladies!

kids packing food
United States
You care about kids! This past weekend over 500,000 meals were packed cross 5 states to feed hungry children on two continents! What an awesome weekend! 

Hogs for Haiti
Bobby Curlee knows first-hand how a child’s life can be transformed: he and his wife Lakey sponsor Moses, a Haitian boy who calls Lifeline’s Children’s Home his home. Bobby and Lakey have seen Moses and the children grow and mature into young adults due to the influence of the home.
Yet Bobby saw a need: how could he help the Children’s Home continue to meet the needs of his child and more children in years to come?  

In 2013, Bobby integrated his love for the Haitian children and his Harley and organized his first “Hogs for Haiti” ride.  Since then, Bobby and many others have rode 19,000+ miles across the U.S. & Canada to bring awareness for the needs of the Haitian children and raise over $65,000 in donations for the Home’s operations, maintenance, staff, and improvements.

The ride continues in 2016: 2 trips with different destinations.  
Learn more about the rides at
praises & prayer requests
We humbly request your prayers for our ministry communities and ask you join us in celebrating how God is moving: praises & prayer requests

Lifeline Christian Mission
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Lifeline Christian Mission, 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 133, Westerville, OH 43081-3363