greetings from Prague. Tomorrow I begin my three day seminar in the evenings. We do not have a full house (of 20) registered yet, but we hope that there will be some drop-ins. My themes are Science & Religion, Atheism & Theism, and Death & Resurrection.  Attendees are diverse, including someone from Capetown, South Africa who is the Head of the Centre of Molecular Structure at BIOCEV. (They have announced a new Tree of Life this month based on bacteria!)  Another appears to be into Eastern Religions. Should be interesting for all of us!

Tomorrow I will have lunch with Thomas Johnson who was twice at our conferences in Crimea, ten years apart. Wednesday I will meet with one of our college graduates, Sevilia, now married and tending a toddler. Thursday I hope to rendezvous with Liba, a friend from our Iron Curtain days in the 70s. Our family last met with her and her now deceased husband, Slavek, in 1990, just some months after the fall of the Berlin Wall. 

Appreciate your prayers for this week’s meetings!

BTW, Joel has a new blog you might like to visit:http://www.reflectionsontheroad.com/ — it includes links to some of  his photography at other sites, but maybe not to his photo site:  http://www.joelcarillet.com/#!/index .
