South Sudan Stall, Return to Zika & Raiders of Gambella







SITUATION  – Sandie and Tom are posting from the field.  This Prayer request has been typed over the deafening hum of a generation on a secure compound. 
Former vice president , Mr Machar fled Juba at the start of the conflict in December 2013. More than two million people have been displaced and tens of thousands killed in the fighting.  He is due to take up (return) the post of first vice-president, a key part of the peace process aimed at ending more than two years of civil war. This was to happen on Monday but for logistical issues is delayed.  
PRAYER POINT – The new transitional government needs to be committed to the peace process. We need to undergird the new and old ranks of this very young nation. 9 Historically, the land of Kush that is mentioned many, many times in the Bible. 
RETURN TO ZIKA – Our impromptu return near the Zika forest was prompted for several reasons. We will begin the construction of school expansion in South Sudan and we have kept our vow to God to meet with the people who we have established in the faith. We have shared how there prayers have had results in the salvation of people in the United States.  Our methodology of Bridging Cultures for Christ has gained incredible results as God has turned His listening ears to His children that have been faithful in prayer.   
PRAYER POINT – “ Father, allow us to see how your heart is moved when we reach your ear with prayer, increase our faith and sustain our brothers and sisters on foreign soil”.   Also pray for our ( the Kilian’s) health and energy level. There is much to do. 
GAMBELLA ETHIOPIA KILLINGS  (where Mercy Partners has operated) 
Raiders from South Sudan have crossed the border of Ethiopia 208 people Dead  75 wounded and 108 children were kidnapped. Women and children were among the dead and 2,000 head of livestock taken. 
PRAYER POINT   – Pray that tensions do not increase. There are over 284,000 South Sudanese refugees who have fled from South Sudan, many are in Ethiopia and could become a target of hostilities.  Pray for justice to be carried out. Pray for a swift resolve that will bring about lasting change. 


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