Lifeline Christian Mission
Julia never imagined how God could take her life experiences and turn them into a one-of-a-kind opportunity to serve Him.
Wherever you serve with Lifeline – whether it’s in the mission field, volunteering locally, sponsoring a child, organizing a ministry drive at your church, etc – you simply never know how God will stretch and use you…all to share Jesus’ love with the children and families in our ministry communities.
Julia shares:
I never saw it coming.  

A year after the earthquake in Haiti, for reasons unknown to me, I found myself driving into Lifeline’s parking lot in Ohio for the first time, not knowing a thing about Lifeline other than their peanut butter drives for Haiti. 


ministry highlights
prayer garden
Arizona: Navajo ministry
This beautiful, desert prayer garden was created for the children at our Red Sands Christian School.  It was designed and created by Brian Schultz, a Navajo man who is being discpled through the Red Sand Christian Church and has a passion to draw more Navajo to Christ.
kids in Cuba
Baseball is huge in Cuba. Over 200 children came out for the church’s sports outreach ministry. They were thrilled to meet pitcher and member of the MLB Hall of Fame “Goose” Gossage.  He brought 200 baseballs that had been used in spring training by the New York Yankees.
Sarah with her sponsored child
Joy is a priceless gift.  Thank you, sponsors, for bringing love, joy, laughter, and Jesus into the lives of these precious children! 
special program for Father's Day
The children at the Living Hope Christian Church celebrated Father’s Day with a special lunch and program, just for their dads!
Mark Miller (The Creek) with our   field administrators and Ben
United States
Did you get to meet them?  Adam, Brian, Carlos, and Jose (our international field administrators) connected with numerous churches and many individuals through visits in Ohio, Indiana, and Colorado. 

Stay connected with more ministry highlights: like us on Facebook!

praises & prayer requests
We humbly request your prayers for our ministry communities and ask you join us in celebrating how God is moving: praises & prayer requests

your opportunity to...
packing food
involve your kids
Host a food packing event at your VBS or camp!  It’s a hands-on experience that gets your kids excited about missions, right at your site!

Contact Matt to learn more

Israel tour
grow your faith
Your Bible will come alive and your faith will go deeper when you follow Jesus’ footsteps in the Holy Land.

Learn more

first day of school
transform a child’s future
When your church hosts a child sponsorship drive, lives are transformed for Christ!  2 churches are needed to host drives in May and 3 churches in June, July, and August.  Will you change a child’s life?

Contact Audra

Haitian boy
provide hope in a bowl
900,000 nutritious, rice-based meals need packed this summer to continue to provide our kids & families in Haiti with much-needed food. Can your church, organization, community group, etc. help feed a child?
Contact Matt to feed a hungry child
Lifeline Christian Mission
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Lifeline Christian Mission, 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 133, Westerville, OH 43081-3363