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A Time I Always Dreamed Of


Tom Silkwood passed away suddenly on March 26, 2016, due to heart failure. Tom recorded these thoughts about his work when he visited our office in Joplin last December. He talked about his delight to see the Thai people sharing the Gospel within Thailand and beyond its borders in closed countries…  READ MORE

What Choice Will You Make?


Project Nomad-Pachuca, Mexico, has released a new project about the two choices we have in this life. These team members have an office in a newly constructed church, but electricity is not consistent. Local government authorities assure them the problem will be resolved soon. For now the team works from a nearby English institute…


Significant Dates from

the Ministry of GNPI

Mike Schrage


This is a special year for us to reflect on 40 years of ministry and God’s faithfulness. Enjoy this video from our archives as GNPI Founder Ziden Nutt explains what led him to start making filmstrips when he was in Africa…




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