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Breaking Ground Together! 

Breaking Ground for Phase 1 and 2 with members of LIA’s Senior Leadership Team

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. – Psalm 119:105 

Many years ago, I took a prayer walk along Lake Langano in Ethiopia while I was on a retreat with my family. This is memorable because God spoke in a significant way.  God asked me to dip my hand in the sand and grab a fistful. HE then revealed to me, “As many as are the grains of sand in your hand, so will be the leaders who will be empowered through the work of Life in Abundance”.

At the time I did not fully understand what it was the Lord meant. In fact the ministry of LIA had only just started. However, over the years as I’ve seen the LIA Centers in Kenya and Jamaica established, I have seen God’s words to me at Lake Langano made manifest. 

LIA’s training centers serve to train churches, organizations and community leaders around the world with LIA’s community development model and how to implement it in their own communities. This is a model that has been implemented, refined, monitored, evaluated and replicated with hundreds of churches in twelve countries across Africa and the Caribbean.

This week marks a milestone. On April 7th Life in Abundance will be breaking ground on the 3rd and final phase of the LIA Center in Kenya. Phase 3 will be the accommodation wing for the center, having 21 rooms with a few additional meeting rooms and lounges. It has been a wonderful journey of faith as we work to see the LIA Center building project completed and we continue to see the favor of God on this vision.

Join me to:

  • Thank God for partners and friends of LIA who have believed in this vision and have come alongside us to cater for 45% of the building cost of Phase 3. This is no small miracle and we are so grateful.
  • Pray for the remaining funding for this final part of work, that we will accomplish the work without a pause.
  • Ask for continued God’s favor on the LIA team and generous provision as we implement this God given vision.  

In Christ, 

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