APRIL 2016



Hong Kong Christian Mission

IBCC China- Wing Wong

  • Praise God for the good job that our disciple team has done at Manchester Chinese Christian Church on Easter Sunday!
  • Praise God for four baptisms at MCCC and four baptisms in China!

  • Two new IBCC training courses will be started in April: How to Study the Bible II and Acts of the Apostles. Please pray that many will seize the opportunity to grow in knowing Christ and His words so they may share Christ and His words with confidence and truth!

  • We are revising our new booklet Christ in China and planning to print it in traditional Chinese writings for people in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Please pray that God will use it to help more Chinese understand God’s loving relationship with them long before any other religions!

  • We are also putting together a workbook for helping new Christians grow in Christ. Please pray that God will guide our thoughts and move our hands to finish this in May so I can teach the churches in China how to use this workbook when I am there in June!

  • Please pray for Tessa (our IBCC translator)! She has been battling TB since last November. We thought the drugs had done a miracle for her as she was released from the hospital and went back to teach her high school students after Chinese New Year in February. However, she was admitted back to the hospital recently because the disease developed a resistance to the drug. On top of that, her husband-to-be has left her. She is still faithful to Jesus. Please pray for God’s miracle!

  • Please pray for Stacy and Fang Fang as they are preparing to come to be equipped for God’s ministry in China in Boise Bible College! They need to score 500 on their TOEFL test.

  • By June, we will need $70,000 for the year beyond our regular expenses to pay for the new challenges in our ministry which includes a full time worker, two China trips, training and equipping five NOMAD teams, production and printing of four books and two calendars, stipends for our IBCC teachers and sending two students to Boise. Please pray for abundance from Jehovah-Jireh, our Great Provider!


Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee- Manchester, NH

  • Give thanks to God for a successful Easter service which was planned by Minister Wing Wong and his team.
  • We have divided the congregation into six groups. Each group has set up some goals to attain in this year. Pray that our church will become more energetic and everyone is eager to learn and serve and make disciples for Jesus.
  • Pray for wisdom and opportunity in reaching new people in the community.


New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim- Lowell, MA

  • Our church has done a wonderful job reaching out to our community for Easter fellowship and this year we had 72 people in attendance. Please pray for us during this time of follow up with those who visited.
  • Please continue to pray for Sivutha who verbally accepted our invitation to attend our church, but has not yet attended. Pray for positive, open follow-up conversation.
  • Thank God for Veasna who has been playing keyboard for our church. Pray that God will use his service to the church to develop his discipleship as well as that of his family.
  • Please pray that God will keep us strong in spreading good news to people around Lowell, MA.
  • Praise God for the growth in our Men’s ministry. Pray for Mr. Samnang as he reaches out to his neighbor.
  • Praise God for Srey Mao who’s one of our family members. She visited our church and now wants to become a disciple of Jesus.
  • Praise God for our answering our prayers. We’ve seen God’s ministry work into the lives of our community.


New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon – Bedford, NH

  • Please pray for the Yong Lee family. Their two-year old daughter Autumn needs daycare as her mother Eunice has started a new job this week. Please pray for God to provide for their needs as they are working hard to raise a family since moving here a year ago.
  • Please continue to pray for minister Chang as he and his family serve in Korea. Pray for his teaching at the Seoul Christian University. He is struggling there with the executive administration which makes his job position feel unstable. Please pray for leadership and guidance from the Lord.
  • Please pray for our church members’ spouses who have not made a decision to follow the Lord. Many of them do not believe and others don’t attend our church. Pray that they will receive the gospel.
  • Pray for continued growth in our Compassion Ministry support. It is important for our church to extend our giving to the poor and needs of families across the world. Pray for more supportive sponsors and givers.
  • Pray for our Youth group students during this school year to be strengthened by the Lord to live like Jesus around their friends. Pray for our Amanda and Jiwon who will be graduating from high school this June. Pray for their growth in faith to own the gospel of Jesus and His mission as they prepare for college.
  • Pray for our Young Adult/College age Bible Study group. Thank God for our students: Ci, CK Guen, and Jhungyun who will be graduating in the next few months. Please pray for their spiritual growth as we desire to help raise them more as disciples of Christ.
  • Pray for minister Moon and his encouraging pastoral ministry with our church. Pray for his continued growth in understanding, teaching, and investment in the lives of our members. Pray also for his time spent with studying English as a second language as well.


Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)

Christic Marblow- Providence, RI

  • Pray a safe return of minister Christic Marblow. He returned to Liberia for the funeral of his mother and will be returning soon.
  • Pray for effective evangelistic efforts.
  • Pray for jobs and the physical needs our members and for others in this Liberian community as we present Christ to them.
  • Pray that God will strengthen marriages and families as they try to live in two cultures.




Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
