A monthly update from Team Expansion

Whom Does God Call?

Many Christians believe God isn’t inviting them to join His work among the unreached because they think only super Christians can be missionaries. This month, Team Expansion explored the truth that missionaries are real people, with struggles, sin, and selfishness.

God is the one who is extraordinary. The people He uses are decidedly ordinary. And when ordinary people take a courageous step of faith in obedience, God accomplishes amazing things. Don’t let your inadequacy keep you from serving a completely sovereign God. Your frail obedience could change the world!

Learn more about Team Expansion’s troop of ordinary men and women!

God Provides – Using Poor College Students!


When Chloe’s children’s ministry fund was stolen, her only hope was that God would provide what she needed. She had no idea He would use the students of a local Christian college to answer her prayers.

Read the story

Featured Opportunity

Facilities Manager
Team Expansion urgently needs a manager to assure that the facilities of Emeralds Hills, our 61-acre campus outside of Louisville, Ky,  are developed and used in a manner that pleases the Lord, in accordance with Team Expansion’s mission statement.

If you are interested in this or other opportunities, fill out a no-obligation profile at teamexpansion.org/profile

Prayer Requests
Praise God for using the ordinary, everyday people of His Kingdom to accomplish mighty things!

Pray for more men and women to hear and obey God’s call to serve as cross-cultural workers among the unreached of the world.

Praise God for providing so faithfully for every need!

Join our Prayer Force to receive daily email prayer updates.

Emerald Hills Update

by Doug Lucas, President of Team Expansion

Would you Become a Headhunter for Us Please?
Let’s just lay it out on the table. It’s the elephant in the middle of the room: There are some serious personnel needs among unreached peoples today. With some 7,000 unreached people groups around the world, many of which have substantial populations and very little chance to hear, we could sure use your help finding top-notch workers willing to consider service for the King.

We love short-termers. A lot. But what REALLY energizes us are the people who say, “Sign me up for 5 years.” It takes a year or so just to get to the field (maybe 18 months even). And another year to acclimate, learn culture, and learn language. So if a volunteer signs up today, it will (likely) be two years before we start seeing (much) fruit from his or her efforts.

Unfortunately, there are many factors that constantly pick away at our global work force, not the least of which are children’s educational issues (needing special education, for example, that might not be readily available in the destination land), ailing parents with no one else to care for them, personal health issues, and more. For these reasons, we have a request:

Would you become a headhunter for us?

If you come across someone REMOTELY interested in missions, please let us know.

You can contact us by:
Online form: www.TeamExpansion.org/contact-us
Toll-free: 800-447-0800
Email: info@TeamExpansion.org

We promise: We’ll be careful (and very sensitive) with your friends. But we’ll also be supportive, prayerful, and resourceful to the best of God’s ability to work through us. We need workers. You know people. Please become a “watchman on the wall.” “Stand in the gap.” “Become a Headhunter for the Lord.” Whatever metaphor works best for you. Please do it. Thanks for your help.

Emerald Hills February Financial Report

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Team Expansion exists to multiply disciples and churches among the unreached.
Copyright © 2016 Team Expansion, All rights reserved.